Here is what our Possible President says...

Here is a bit on Obammy as a young lad!,0,1634059,print.story?coll=bal_news_nation_promo

This site addresses quotes taken out of context. I’m curious to see the website that makes the website you list busy addressing the quotes taken out of context. :wink:

We will just have to kneel to the East four times a day. :smiley:

I have to admit that is funny![object Object]&pp=ZNxdm824OHUS

LOL Good one Peter. :mrgreen:

Peter I always have the deepest respect for a person on the right side when living in a left state. Trust me on that! I live in Illinois;-):slight_smile:

Peter is ok in the state, he’s just on the wrong side of the mountains.

I must be on the wrong side of the corn field!;-):slight_smile: