Home Price / Medium Income Ration chart. This is nuts


Housing is becoming very UN-affordable.


People are getting extreme! … 8x income for a house. If that is the median, then 50% of people are now spending more than that :disappointed_relieved:

I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings if you are in that 50% of recent homebuyers who spent more than 8X, but seriously, how can you afford that? Do you have enough money left over for food and other necessities?


That’s so awesome.


The bubble will burst soon. People will be upside down with their home like it was years ago.
My home is free and clear. I built it years ago.
We owe no one what the exception of the utilities and f**king taxes. Property taxes here are high compared to other Florida counties.
I own all our cars and trucks, But we have save up enough to buy my wife a new or fairly new SUV here soon.
Debt is a sin.


We’ve been in our house for 21 years and was paid off early. Never made much money (and still don’t) but we can live with a freedom that many can’t because of no debt and living within our means. I would wish this for everyone. A couple years ago my wife saw our tax forms and wondered whether we should keep our long-standing every Saturday lunch date. I showed her the current checking account balance and the balance from a year ago. It wasn’t less. Keep going to work and watch what you spend and be a long-term thinker.