HOT PICS: Intro to Commercial Property Inspections at InterNACHI’s Florida House of Horrors® (April 12-14, 2023)

We’ve just wrapped up another successful training session for commercial property inspectors at InterNACHI’s Florida House of Horrors®! Our three-day Introduction to Commercial Property Inspections Class was a hit, providing students with both valuable insights and a great time. Our students came, learned, and are now fully equipped to conquer commercial buildings with their newfound inspection knowledge and skills.

If you missed out on this round, don’t worry! We have two upcoming classes that you can join. Our Colorado class is scheduled for May 10-12, 2023, and our Pennsylvania class is set for June 7-9, 2023.

Register here :arrow_right: In-Person Classes - CCPIA or get started online at Commercial Property Inspection Courses - CCPIA