How to Find Defects During a Home Inspection Class on Nov 22, 2016
How do you find defects during a home inspection?
- If you’re looking at something in a home, how do you know if it’s a defect or not?
- How do you define what a defect is?
- What is a “material defect” as defined by the Standards of Practice?
- What if the home was built to code many years ago, is that thing still a defect?
These are all good questions. In this free, online class, we’ll answer all of these questions and more. In this live class, you’ll learn how to find defects during a home inspection using a standard inspection procedure, the standards of practice, and inspection tools and report writing software. The class is free, online, live and recorded. So, register now, and I’ll see you in class.
Over 70 students registered so far!