How to Inspect for Moisture Intrusion Course

This picture was taken at the top trim of the patio door in my home office where I am taking this course. It is located on the main floor of a 2 story house. It was a result of an improperly flashed deck above. The water intrusion was leaking in between the ledger board and the rim joist behind the building paper and vinyl siding down to the door. Water WILL find a way if there is not properly sealed exterior.

I chose to read the article “vinyl siding inspection” as it does seem to be a very popular exterior finish choice. I learned a great deal about it from the home inspector during the home inspection performed on my house a few years back. Very informative :slight_smile:

This is the exterior cover for a bathroom exhaust fan. It is correctly vented to the exterior, but in this case it is completely clogged with mud dobber nests not allowing the vent to exhaust moisture.

I read the article on bath room exhaust vents. I am always amazed at how many of the ducts are almost tied in a knot on houses I inspect. Instead of cutting the excess duct they leave it coiled on the joists and restrict the airflow.

this is what happens if the caulking is allowed to deteriorate.

Ice on the edge of this roof damaged the fiscia and then the wind blew the gutter off and bent it.

vapor barrier and ridged foam insulation are used in this erawl space to retard water vapor

Good morning everybody!:slight_smile:

Moisture Instrusion Course!

We’re on it!

Home stretch to certification!

Apparently someone thought to flash the ledger board so that water wouldn’t get between the board and the framing. I am currently in Colorado staying in a friend’s home. Normally, back in Texas, I rarely see this type of flashing. Consequently, I see a lot of water damage.


Moisture intrusion often leads to WDO instrusion.

I recently inspected a neglected home with a lot of water penetration, mainly through the roof, and also a lot of wood rot and WDO - namely termites and carpenter ants. One thing leads to the other.

This picture shows the grade on the right hand side of the house for drainage. The driveway slopes towards the garage; but, has enough flat area and slopes to the right to prevent water from entering into it.

Good morning Kids!

Thank God I didn’t have to wander far to find an example of Moisture Intrusion!

Our Bathroom ceiling:




For this block of instruction additional reading I chose Mastering Roof Inspections: Flashing Part-1. This was helpful in the fact that it had lots of pictures. I found the copper patina chart very useful and will be great for reference in the future. Also, being aware that if you cannot discern if a component such as vent stand or roof vent, doesn’t have flashing visible that the inspector should put a disclaimer in their report to inform the client.

hello all,

My name is Eddie. I am a former superintendent in new home construction.

Good Afternoon Ben, everybody:

The Moisture Intrusion inspection of my wife & I’s apartment wasn’t the most
exciting option out there.
The only visual evidence of moisture intrusion :eek: I spotted in the bathroom on the ceiling (below). Little paint pealing in the corner. Can’t always rely on the
shower window to be open.
I wish however, a sub-flooring visual was possible without necessarily putting our security deposit on the roulette table :mad:,
because I am sorry to include in this report there has been some measurable
suspicion of certain family members
caught in the act of jumping out of the
shower BEFORE drying themselves off!!! They shall remain anonymous of
course. Especially when we do reside on the second floor.
So we’ll have to check off the “inaccessible” option for today.
Thank for reading! Harry



Nice catch. For everyone, you may all be interested in a recent article about inspecting bathroom exhaust at

I agree, Richard. I find that moisture intrusion, leads to wood structural damage cause by either insects or the water itself.

Moisture intrusion:

I think this dilemma will forever remind me of a Forensic Files episode my
wife & I were watching at 3a when a very young & hansom family enjoying a very successful career buys a “Tara style” (Gone with the Wind) mansion
on a coastline somewhere couldn’t explain why they were becoming
progressively ill. Stachybotrys atra, from TOTALLY INVISIBLE mold in the
house almost killed 'em! :frowning:

  • mold growth. Mold can only grow in the presence of high levels of moisture. People who suffer from the following conditions can be seriously (even fatally) harmed if exposed to elevated levels of airborne mold spores:
  • asthma;
  • allergies;
  • lung disease; and/or
  • compromised immune systems.

Note: People who do not suffer from these ailments may still be harmed by elevated levels of airborne mold spores.

   Thanx 4 reading!      Harry

Shingles flapped up and partially exposing the sheathing and fasteners on the roof. This can allow water to penetrate roof and cause damage to roof and/or interior finishes.

Water damage from a leak in the unit above that made its way down through drywall and was retained by the paint layer.