How to Inspect Private Drinking Water Wells

I reviewed the article “Water Quality” which reinforced many of the topics covered in this class. One of the most interesting is the different water contaminants and the methods water sources are contaminated. It was a great article to help reinforce the topics and lessons learned in this class.

This was a newly installed well however the installers did not complete the landscaping around it, also this well is on a slop of a hill and I am concerned that water run off will flow over the well casing.

I do not understand this part of your testingI you do not have anything in your gallery that would represent this subject so why do we have to do an essay on something that has no merit on this subject!

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The well tested positive for coliform bacteria and will need to be chlorinated and retested in order to assure that a more serious and potentially costly issue is not present. The pressure tank was found to be in poor condition, rusting heavily at the base of the unit, and was short-cycling on the day of the inspection. This will cause the lifespan of the pump to be significantly reduced, and if not corrected, will be a major expense. Pressure tank replacement is needed. The water softener was found to be defective and poorly maintained; heavy mineral deposits were found in all indoor fixtures. No pressure gauge was apparent; however, this could not be determined with any degree of accuracy since live rats were found when piles of salt bags were moved. This constitutes a serious health hazard to the inspector, and therefore, no further measures to find the pressure gauge were pursued.

Bladder Type Pressure Tank: The diagram shows a pressure tank with a bladder that is charged to 50 psi. This would not be acceptable for a system that has a pressure switch adjusted to have a lower cut-in pressure. A pressure tank must be adjusted to 2 lbs lower than the cut-in pressure.

This image is from a well head that was located up hill and more than 50 feet from a septic system. The cap was properly sealed at the time of inspection. The pump control wiring was also properly buried and routed.

I chose an image of a drilled well from the plumbing gallery. This image shows the components of the well and they way they should be after installation. The well casing is installed all the way to the bedrock and the the grout is installed around that to seal the system.

A public water system provides water for human consumption through pipes or other constructed conveyances to at least 15 service connections or serves an average of at least 25 people for at least 60 days a year. A public water system may be publicly or privately owned.

Water well is an excavation or structure created in the ground by digging, driving, boring, or drilling to access groundwater in underground aquifers. The well water is drawn by a pump, or using containers, such as buckets, that are raised mechanically or by hand.

I read Water Quality
Drinking Water
The EPA does not regulate all the drinking water, water comes from different sources and a homeowner needs to have the water tested regularly, public water supplies go thru more rigorous inspections and are tested mor regularly

There are many parts of a well system and can be many parts of a water treatment system, depending on what a customer is trying to take out of the water depends on how many and what kind of systems they will have installed

The pressure tank is where the water ends up after its been pumped and treated but before entering the home. It helps store water so the pump wont continue to turn on and off thus preserving the life of the pump.

I chose the article “Marijuana Grow Operations” from the Library.
It has good tips on looking for items around the house that might tip you off to whats really going on and made good points about leaks. If the whole room looks like it has water damage and the attic has no evidence of leaking its possible the home owner is growing cannibus. Although not specifically mentioned in the article iv heard rumors that a fridge full of mountain dew is also a dead give-away.

First off: Yes, that is a picture I took off line googled vfd. My computer is having issues at the moment of finishing this part of test. I came across one I when I was looking over a house about a week ago. While this course covered many aspects of the water system. This is an odd controller to have for a pump. Granted in the commercial field of the electrical trade, this is common. Is this something that more and more people are putting into their new homes? Adding it into the course might be helpful to those that are new to the VFD world. In simple terms it is a controller.

Being a new business, this marketing thing is kicking my butt to say the least. While going through articles to write on I found one on the e-books. This is something I am willing to try. I see people visiting my site but not calling. I appreciate all the help I have found on my “spare time” here at InterNACHI. Going to try doing a FB lead up to the book going onto my site. That way I get people thinking of it while I add it to the site on my “spare time.” If all goes well I will be sure to make a side note about it. I know it will take a little bit for it to all kick in.

Although we live in a country that has one of the safest water supplies in the world, our public water system must still be monitored due to the variation in the supply depending on environmental factors and location. Every community across our land needs a clean, constant supply of drinking water. People in larger cities and more crowded areas more often depend on a public water supply that may come from a lake, river or reservoir, always including a watershed or the land that the water runs over to get to the water source. Many times the source may be close or may be miles and miles away. Many of our people that live in rural areas depend on primer well systems, which too must be monitored for health altering content.
Since 1974, the EPA has set standards for 80 different contaminants that may be present in water. The Safe Water Drinking act gives the Environmental Protection Agency the responsibility of setting proper standards in our supply of water.

In this picture, you can clearly see a case of an improper wellhead. The seal should be tight, and free of open permeable space. This clearly shows a gap from damage, and is not sealed tightly around the other areas as well.

I read the article pertaining to hand dug well inspections. This article was fascinating to me, because it seemed as if these types of wells had been done away with long ago. Reading of their prevelance and need for inspection was very interesting.

The attached image is a more accurate representation of what a private well system assembly looks like in Texas. The examples in this course are not typical in my locale, so I wanted to submit an image that reflects the types of systems I will inspect. It’s common here to find a pump house onsite that houses the pressure tank, the pump and all of the electrical components of the well.