How to Inspect Private Drinking Water Wells

I couldn’t find anything on private wells, but I did find an article about commercial water towers. These towers function by hydrostatic pressure and operate in a similar way to a toilet. As the water is consumed and lowers within the tank, a ballcock lets water into the tank. The size, height and capacity of water towers are defined by the locales they serve.

Cisterns for water storage are not common in south-east Michigan. Inspection of cisterns is done to confirm proper placement, far enough from trees to prevent root damage underground and, falling debris from trees. The cistern should also be placed far enough from a roof to prevent debris, including fireplace ash, shingle granules, and gutter debris from entering the cistern. The cistern should be properly sealed to prevent leakage. The cistern should not empty into a sewer or septic system to prevent back-flow into the cistern. The water should be tested every 5 years.

This well is this picture is a dug well. It has a cover but the cover is not properly secured to the well and can be easily removed. Also, the cover is rotted and should be replaced. This well also does not seem to be in use and should be permanently sealed.

The potential for a water crisis, this article discusses the problem the united states faces with population growth and management of water storage and supply systems. As we continue to use more water than is depleted in our supply systems and our infrastructure ages and is not properly maintained or replaces we face a serious problem with our water supply.

Writing assignment for inspecting water wells.

Picture: Pressure switch.

The pressure switch usually sits right downstream from the main water shutoff from the well. This switch is rated at 40/60, so it will activate the pump once the pressure drops below 40psi. It will then shut back off once 60 psi is reached.

Writing assignment for Well inspection:

Article: Water quality

Some important takeaways were that people who have HIV/AIDS, are undergoing chemotherapy, take steroids, or for another reason have a weakened immune system may be more susceptible to microbial contaminants in drinking water. Also, Young children are particularly susceptible to the effects of high levels of certain contaminants like nitrate and lead.

I learned about the setting of a air pressure tank in a water system. I learned you set the well tank air pressure to 2 psi below the well pump control switch cut-in pressure. I also learned to use a separate gauge then the one in the system in case it is incorrect.

I chose the article how to determine the age of a building to discuss in this essay. Prior to the 1800’s nails were hand-made by blacksmiths and nail makers. I also learned that I can sometimes check the meter reader because it may bear a date stamp.

In the attached photo, you see an in line pressure tank. This tank is on a residential property, has a 1.9 gallon capacity, with a total overall draw down of 1.3". This is the smallest tank this manufacturer makes. The reason this tank was chosen for this system, is because this system is a constant pressure system. The electrical control box will ramp the pump up or down depending on the draw of the system. Since it does not have a large and sudden electrical supply to the pump, this will not create wear and tear on the pump motor, The transducer located next to the pressure gauge monitors the pressure and when there is a drop in pressure it sends a signal to the pump to turn on. The small pressure tank additionally helps prevent wear and tear on the motor to help with small fluctuation in the system.

Radon, was the next class I wanted to go through so I read the radon gas article. Most of the feedback I have been getting from realtors was to use active, not passive, testing. To use some type of electronic type of testing so that you don’t just see what the peak level was, but you can see how long it stayed at peak and how many times it reached peak. Aster some further research through the forum, it appears that the testing equipment is rather expensive. This may be something I have to wait on until I actually start making money and can afford to purchase reliable equipment.

what an amazing post admin thanks for this.

This well head is inside a well house. The head is not properly sealed and therefore can allow contamination from debris, rodents, insects, etc. The well head should have a sealed cap and also should have proper conduit installed for Electrical wiring.

Dryer vents can pose several damaging or dangerous conditions. Based on experience in prior inspections, the most common situations noted are vents terminating into crawlspaces, vent venting through roof with improper vent, and damaged exterior vent covers. Exceptions and repairs should be highlighted to the homebuyer, as prolonged neglect for maintenance can have dangerous consequences.

This well casing extends almost 18" above the ground as it should and has a sealed cap but the ground surrounding the well does not slope away as it should. Recommend the ground around the casing be properly sloped by a well contractor.

I read the Private Wells Article and between the article and the course found that homeowners with wells should be conducting annual tests for coliform bacteria and every three years for nitrates. Many homeowners with wells are not conducting these tests as recommended and more education is needed.

The enclosed picture explains the three types of wells and their process how they are done. The first type is a dug well where the earth is dug manually. the second is drive well the hollow pipe with screen is pushed with heavy weight, and the third is drilled well.

The adjustable steel column are usually found in the basement of the house. Their job is to support the beam in the house. They are manufactured in parts consisting a round or square pipe minimum 3 inches dia. or square abase plate welded and a top plate with with the screw attached to it so that the height can be adjusted by turning.

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Contaminants can enter water supplies either as a result of human and animal activities, or because they occur naturally in the environment. Threats to the local drinking water may exist in locally, or may occur many miles away. Some typical examples include microbial contamination, chemical contamination from fertilizers, and lead contamination.