How to Inspect the Attic, Insulation, Ventilation and Interior Course

Research & Writing Assignment:

The artical Basic waterproofing for basements describes two important measures that can be taken to help keep basements dry. First and most important is proper drainage around the structure to divert water away. Second, sealing cracks and applying a coating such as sodium silicate to the outside of basement walls will help prevent moisture intrusion.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

Pictured is loose, fiberglass insulation in an attic. We are in climate zone 2 and need a ceiling R-value of 38. We can find the R-value by measuring the depth, which was 10", and multiplying by 2.5. This gives us an R-value of 25 which does not meet the DOE’s recommended ceiling R-value for climate zone 2. It is recommended to add more insulation in the attic to prevent energy loss.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

This is an old jalousie style window it’s not very energy efficient,it’s also missing the interior window, so its causing a major air leak in the winter and summer. Because where this home is located the winter are very cold, the home owner heating bill is much higher then average, this window needs to be replaced.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

This is an image of floor framing in a crawlspace. It’s apparent that there was a water leak in the plumbing that rotted the subfloor and floor joist and compromised the lumber’s structural integrity. Before any repairs can be made to the subfloor and joists, it’s vitally important that the plumbing leak is fixed first.

Research & Writing Assignment:

The exterior portion of a home inspection can be quite time consuming but it is often the first place that evidence of moisture intrusion will be revealed. It’s good practice to inspect the exterior before and after the interior. Many times, it’s easier to “connect the dots” of a defect after looking inside and outside.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

In the photo the crawl space does not have a vapor retarder installed and moisture is seen on the dirt floor and along the foundation wall. There was proper ventilation and insulation under floor joists. The site and down spouts had proper slope and drainage.

Research & Writing Assignment:

It’s simply amazing the things that each home owner can do, to make their homes more energy efficient,the first take away for me, is to understand the who or what, is robbing me of my hard earn money. The article said that more than half of the energy, we use is for the heating & cooling of our homes.That’s big! the first thing that passes through my mind would be, how efficient is my windows and doors. I didn’t realize it’s, so many cool ways to save on energy, from changing your light bulbs to how you choose to do your laundry. Wow ! this article is a truly a blessing.

Research & Writing Assignment:

Smoke detectors are an important part of fire safety in a home, it is a required to have an operable hard wired smoke detector in each bedroom and a carbon monoxide detector in each hallway outside of the sleeping rooms.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

By having roof vents and creating a low pressure environment it allows for hot air to escape from the attic space and creat ventilation through the soffits. Its important to check to ensure that the vents are clear and allowing air to pass through.

Research & Writing Assignment:

There are a geat deal of different ways for moisture to be able to penetrate into the attic and cause mold to develop. This can come in the form of leaks for the roof are itself or from inappropriate exhaust from bathroom fans.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

This set of stairs is > 4 steps, therefore requires a handrail (which is present). The stairs have a <7 3/4" drop with each step (6 1/2")Tread depth is >10" (12"). Stairway is >36" wide (41"). Handrail projection is <4 1/2" (3 1/2").

Research & Writing Assignment:

When it comes to bathroom exhaust fans, there are typically 3 ways to exhaust the air to the exterior part of the home. 1) Roof cap, which vents the air through the roof 2) Ceiling fan unit that exhausts the air to the exterior of the house via wall vent. 3) Wall mounted fan that vents the air to the exterior of the home via the wall vent.

Without the proper ventilation of the air, it can lead to mold build up from unvented moisture. Check for proper caulking around the exhaust fan and the exterior wall vent.

Exhaust air from bathrooms, toilet rooms, water closest compartments, and other similar rooms shall not be:
Exhausted into an attic, soffit or ridge vent.
Recirculated within the residence or another dwelling unit

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

Evidence of moisture intrusion was observed in finished storage area adjacent to living room upstairs. Efflorescence, staining of sheet rock (black in some areas) and the smell of mildew were observed. The storage area does not allow for a great deal of air circulation. Moisture, over time will degrade building materials and the results can be costly, and potentially become a safety issue. Recommend evaluation by a qualified HVAC specialist.

Research & Writing Assignment:

I chose to write my essay on an article entitled “10 Easy Ways to Save Money and Energy in Your Home.” It gives some ideas suggesting how to save energy, ultimately money, and maintaining a comfortable living space in the process.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

Here we have a photo of a typical attic without insulation, where is appreciate on the wooden beams the moisture intrusion. Also, insulation is an important part of the building envelope system, and all parts of that system must work together to keep moisture from causing damage to the structure or creating a health hazard for the occupants

Research & Writing Assignment:

Moisture intrusion can be the cause of building defects, as well as health ailments for the building’s occupants. Inspectors should have at least a basic understanding of how moisture may enter a building, and where problem areas commonly occur.Some common moisture-related problems include:
structural wood decay;
high indoor humidity and resulting condensation;
expansive soil, which may crack the foundation through changes in volume, or softened soil, which may lose its ability to support an overlying structure;
undermined foundations;
metal corrosion;

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

The attic in most homes is a ventilated space that provides a barrier between the outside temperatures and the home’s conditioned space. In the winter in cold weather climates it is important to have enough insulation as not to melt the snow on the roof causing an ice dam.

Research & Writing Assignment:

Proper ventilation within a home is very important. Venting areas properly not having positive or negative air pressure is important as well. Areas like the crawlspace and the attic should have good ventilation to help reduce the chances of having moisture intrusion into the home.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

Insulation installed correctly with air baffle for ventilation of attic without restriction from blown in loose fill insulation. Rigid foam board insulation installed to relieve condensation issues due to cooler exterior air coming into contact with the warmer air inside the attic.

Research & Writing Assignment:

I learned about water intrusion into a home through many ways and that just adding insulation may create a problem by creating a cold area where water may condense causing mold to grow. Stopping all air from moving into the home by closing off all holes where air can enter is often a very good way to controll damp and moldy areas from happening in a home.