How to Inspect the Attic, Insulation, Ventilation and Interior Course

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

I am submitting a photo of the attic passageway. This access panel is not up to code. Panel should be at least 22"x 30, this passageway is 21"x 21". If customer needs any Attic work done,(Insulation, HVAC, Pest treatment, etc), passageway will have to be opened up to 22"x 30".

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

The flexible ductwork appears to be improperly installed (laying on the attic floor) in the attic. Ductwork should be suspended from the over head and supported every 4 feet, with no more than 2 inches of sag between each supporting strap. This condition should be evaluated and/or repaired by a qualified licensed HVAC technician.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

The risers and treads of these stairs are made of composite decking materials, well supported with three stringers, are proper sizes and in good condition. The stair only has one rail and is missing two ballistars. These are material defects and will need to be corrected.

Research & Writing Assignment:

GARAGE INSPECTION: This article was very helpful to me. It’s showing me to REALLY look into the details. On 1st look, the metal hangars appeared to be OK. on Looking closer, they are not even close. Deck screws were used. These types of screws are not made to resist SHEAR! The Hangars are attached into Drywall as well. This is not acceptable.

Research & Writing Assignment:

Radiant heating is not a new heating option,it has been around as far back as 4000 BC in Mongolia. The two options for radiant floor heating systems utilize either hydronic (closed loop warm water tubing) or electric ( cables or mats) to heat the floor.
Both solutions can be installed in new construction or in existing buildings. The efficiency and technology continues to evolve, so understanding the options that are available will help improve the overall comfort, cost and efficiency of the final solution.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

This is a picture of an attic that I took at a house that I was at with my trainer. You can see that it is two layers of six inch fiberglass batt insulation which should be R38 however the second layer was not installed correctly with gaps between the batts. With a little bit of effort and possibly a few more batts, this could be remedied.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

This is an example of properly stalled faced batt insulation. Stapling the seam minimizes air intrusion and heat transfer. Without a barrier the insulation can remain wet or moist and that will reduce the R value of the insulation. It can also promote mold growth.

Research & Writing Assignment:

All homes need ventilation the exchange of indoor air with outdoor air to reduce moisture, indoor pollutants and odors. Contaminants, such as formaldehyde, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and radon, can accumulate in poorly ventilated homes and cause health problems.

Excess moisture in a home can generate high humidity. High humidity can lead to mold growth and structural damage to the home.

To ensure adequate ventilation, the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) says that a home’s living area should be ventilated at a rate of 0.35 air changes per hour, or 15 cubic feet per person per minute – whichever is greater.

Research & Writing Assignment:

If the opening of the fireplace is six square feet or more, the hearth must extend past the opening on both sides at least 12 inches and extend in front of the opening at least 20 inches. If the opening is less than 6 square feet, the hearth must extend 8 inches or more past each side and 16 inches or more out in front.

Research & Writing Assignment:

In this article, clearly describes purpose of house insulation. Properly insulated building, is slow the rate of heat transfer In cold climates, it is intended to stop the flow of heat out of the building. In hot climates, its purpose is to slow the movement of heat into the building. Fortunately, insulation works in both directions.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

Insulation should not be compressed when the full thickness space is available, as this results in a reduction of R-value.There should be no voids or gaps in the insulation itself, around obstructions in the cavity space or at the interface of the insulation and framing members.

Research & Writing Assignment:

Frost-protected shallow foundation: The best location for insulating slab-on-grade foundation is on the vertical outside face of the foundation where exterior-slab perimeter insulation is installed and then protected by frost-protected shallow foundation (FPSF). These foundations are found in northern regions.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

The stucco of the structure has flaking or damaged areas located at the right side of the dwelling. You may want to have the stucco repaired for cosmetic reasons as well as to address any potential or existing moisture intrusion damage.

Research & Writing Assignment:

When inspecting the stairs make sure that you test the handrails to make sure that they are secured properly and the correct size and height. The stairs should be properly spaced and sized. The lighting in the area should also be checked.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

This is a picture of an exhaust pipe the is not enclosed properly. Air Leakage can be a major contributing factor to many vapor related moisture problems. Sealing air leaks can also increase energy efficiency. I recommend adding the appropriate boot for that specific pipe. This will help with air leakage to and from the attic.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

The garage door is the homes largest moving component. While inspecting the garage door it is important to ensure the warning and operation labels are affixed in the proper locations such as at the wall push button control, door bottom brackets as well, on the door itself as well as on the garage door springs.

Research & Writing Assignment:

Save Money
As much as half the energy we use in our houses go toward heating and cooling. Here are a couple tips for reducing energy bills. Install ceiling fans. Ceiling fans can be used instead of air conditioners. Changing the air filters on your heating and cooling systems will also help with efficiency. These are just a couple of the many ways to help save money on your energy bills.

Research & Writing Assignment:

While inspecting a home you should ensure at least one means of egress in the form of a doorway accessible without having to enter a garage. The opening should be a minimum of 36 inches by 6’ 8". The use of special tools or instruction should not be required.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

There is haze between the double panes of the widow. This is due to solar pumping, which is when the heat from the outside heats the window and causes the gas to fluctuate, constant pressure from these fluctuations causes the seal after a period of time to fail. I recommend either de-fogging the window or replacing the window.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

Pictured is an un-insulated portion of the rim joist on the exterior wall. The water line to the exterior hose bib is also adjacent making this a potential hazard as well as an energy loss concern. This should be corrected.