How to Inspect the Attic, Insulation, Ventilation and Interior Course

Research & Writing Assignment:

Gaps in interior insulation create energy loss and can contribute to air and moisture movement in the structure. Attention should be paid to improvements in insulation and sealing air gaps to ensure that maximum efficiency is achieved in the home.

Research & Writing Assignment:

I read an article about Chinese Drywall. I learned how to identify a house that has Chinese drywall and the potential concerns that come with Chinese Drywall. One of the multiple ways to identify a home with Chinese drywall is that the house has a strong sulfur smell like rotten eggs. Chinese drywall although might not be life threatening but can cause someone to get a respiratory infection, sore throat, etc. Not only that but it deteriorates household appliances quicker which can cause homeowners thousands of dollars to replace or repair the appliances.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

Photo of Loft above garage that has yet to be finished. Loft is still missing insulation and drywall. The window has also not yet been foamed nor has it been caulked properly. Due too both of these issues this is a very large energy loss and will soon become an issue with high humidity levels and can turn into a mold problem if not taken care of properly.

Research & Writing Assignment:

Today I learned the value of a central vacuum system. Dating back all the way to the 1850s this is not just for the modern living. These units have many good and bad features and seem to be almost more of a hassle rather than convenience, for a whopping 1500$ these systems are quiet the investment for a vacuum that may or may not be what you are hoping for.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

Crawl space is missing vapor barrier. Suggest qualified person to install as needed.Crawlspace also has many areas missing insulation in floor system and in some areas it was loose and needs to be secured properly. Suggest qualified person to repair.

Research & Writing Assignment:

It is very important to have rim board insulation installed on home to prevent air infiltration and to prevent any water supply pipes in the area from freezing in the winter. I would suggest to have qualified person to repair as needed.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

Attic flex duct outer gray plastic cover has deteriorated causing the insulation to be exposed. Condensation has pooled at the bottom of the loose gray plastic. Recommend replacing damaged ducting in attic before condensation damage occurs to ceiling on the interior below.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

here is a picture of obvious moisture intrusion on a basement wall. in my opinion it needs to have waterproofing measures taken to avoid any further moisture intrusion. also if the current conditions continue it can cause mildew and mold which is a health hazzard.

Research & Writing Assignment:

attics , crawls , walls , and basements. proper insulation is a must for home energy savings. proper weather proofing , vapor barriers etc is important to prevent moisture intrusion. these things can cause , heat loss, mildew, mold, the materials in your home to deteriorate and rot.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

Attached is an image of loose fill fiberglass found in an attic. The insulation is light and fluffy, has not been compressed, therefore maintaining its R-value. Loose fill fiberglass has an R-value of about 2.5. Since this insulation is about 15 inches deep, the total R-factor of this installation is roughly R-35

Research & Writing Assignment:

Today I have read the Nachi article outlining the “defensible space” of a home. The defensible space is the area surrounding a home meant to mitigate the spread of fire. Ideally, the defensible space should not have enough “fuel” to allow the fire to reach the house. The defensible space should also allow enough room for emergency personnel to park their vehicles and conduct their work as needed.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

Its difficult to see in this photo but the ductwork in this crawlspace was not insulated and made of sheet metal. I inspect in the southeast where it is hot and humid and this section of the duct had a water puddle on the plastic ground cover under it about 3 feet in diameter 1/4 - 1/2 inch deep. I wrote it up and told the buyer about introducing moisture into the crawlspace in this manner.

Research & Writing Assignment:

The article on Basic Waterproofing for Basements offers several different methods for helping prevent water / moisture intrusion into basements. From easy fixes the homeowner can provide to more in-depth remediation that might require the engagement of a professional contractor due to equipment needs or special knowledge required.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

Upon the full inspection of the attic, the roof frame are trusses with the ceiling frame being trusses as well. Accessed the attic by entering through the attic pull down stairs. The attic and the insulation appear serviceable. No stains are visible. The insulation type is blown in with loose fill fiberglass. With the approximate thickness of 2.5 inches.

Research & Writing Assignment:

Properly installed insulation in the attic plays a major role in the homeowners comfort and energy efficiency. The insulation needs to cover the entire attic ceiling and floor space. Insulation can improve the heating and cooling of a home. Insulations in the form of batts, blankets,loose fill and low density foams all work by limiting air movement.

Research & Writing Assignment:

The article, Basic Waterproofing for Basements, describes the steps necessary to safeguard a basement from water penetration. Diverting water away from foundations so that it does not collect outside basement walls and floors is a key element in preventing flooding and water damage. Ensuring that any water that does end up near basement exteriors cannot enter through holes or cracks is also important, and sealing with a waterproof compound will help prevent water vapor or gas from penetrating. By following these procedures, the risk of water-related issues in basement interiors can be greatly reduced, protecting the building from damage such as foundation rotting, mold growth, and peeling paint, as well as improving the interior air quality by blocking the transmission of gasses from the soil outside.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

Garage doors should have the following warning labels:

  1. a spring warning label attached to the spring assembly;
  2. a general warning label attached to the back of the door panel;
  3. a warning label near the wall control button; and
  4. two warning labels attached to the door in the vicinity of the bottom corner brackets.

The garage door in this inspection did not contain any of the required warning labels which represents a safety hazard. Recommend contact a garage door contractor to further investigate and/or supply warning labels.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

This stairwell is compliant to building codes for the state of Florida. Tread depth is 11inches, and the rise is 7 inches, and width is 38 inches. The hand rails are 36 inches high and secured properly attached with proper brackets.

Research & Writing Assignment:

Ways to save energy in your home. There are lots of big energy users ( and wasters) in our homes, older appliances, inefficient air conditioner and water heating systems. Most of which require substantial money to replace and upgrade.
There are many ways to save energy dollars that dont cost a lot, but yield big savings. Changing old incandescent light bulbs for new Led or CFL saves as much as 75% over older types and last much longer. Weatherstripping and door sweeps, a tube of caulk to seal windows, around pipes and electrical entrances. A small can of expanding foam to seal air flow around electrical sockets and switch plates. Small things you can easily do that will pay back many times over for you and our environment.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

This is a hinged exterior door that swings inward and leads to the private backyard. The top half of the door contains 9 glass window panes (lites) divided by muntins. The glass in the door does contain any markings in them indicating if they are glazed or tempered. The bottom half of the door is solid wood. At the very bottom of the door there is a wind guard to reduce the entrance of outside air. The door measures 31.5 inches in width and 77 inches in height with a landing of 7.5 inches below the top of the threshold. The landing is the backyard ground.