How to Inspect the Attic, Insulation, Ventilation and Interior Course

Research & Writing Assignment:

This article that I read went through some steps to install attic insulation. Insulating the attic is crucial to prevent heat loss in a home. Also important is to allow ventilation in the attic. This is accomplished with ridge vents and soffit vents.

Research & Writing Assignment:

Stairway safety is important as 1638 people died in 2004 and 260,000 elderly are injured every year from falls from steps and stairs. Handrails, treads, risers, platforms, headroom and lighting are just a few of the vital components of strairs that should be inspected thouroughly.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

Inspecting a garage door is vital, due to it’s being the largest opening in the house. It’s very important that it and, if it has a garage door automatic opener, both work well for both convenience and safety. Finding any problems before it breaks or there’s a big storm can prevent a lot of damage later.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

This house has continuous vented soffit around the entire roof. There are ridge vents in the gable at the top of the house. However, the attic has been completely sealed with foam and these are no longer functional. No moisture or humidity issues are evident.

Research & Writing Assignment:

In the article, Installing Attic Insulation, it is explained that proper installation of insulation is critical in its performance and function within a house. As is the case in most construction projects proper preparation is key. The installation of baffles at the eaves and electrical fixtures as we as installation of a vapor barrier should occur prior to install. Its important to see insulation as a system and understanding the ventilation and moisture concerns.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

This is the front and right side of a garage that I inspected. Just approaching it from a distance I could see the algae from a flood that was about three feet in back of the garage. But I noticed that there wasn’t any grading away the foundation. Instead it was the opposite. The grade was increased going towards it by at least two feet.

Research & Writing Assignment:

By sending each past client 3 copies of the NOW book to pass along, offering annual home inspections (especially to first time buyers) and creating a custom inspection video to send past clients, you create many opportunities to quadruple your inspection business within just 2 years. The theory of exponential growth is an effective method to boosting business.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

This is a single pane horizontal sliding window, this window style is from a modular trailer. This type of window has poor insulating ability, and also the moisture in the house can freeze on the window in the winter. The screws in the framing can become a moisture intrusion problem if not properly sealed.

Research & Writing Assignment:

Attic pull-down ladders can bad or good it all depends. The bad is that most ladders are installed improperly. People will cut the rafters, used the wrong fasteners or improper amount or location. The ladders can also be to long, short, or cracked and broken. They can also slide out to easily and be covered with or not insulated. So always check and be careful when dealing with attic pull-down ladders. The good is if done right attic pull-down ladders can make your job and the homeowners life easier.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

This a very good picture of an attic with loose filled insulation. Insulation is very important in a home and can benefit the home owner in many ways. Including moisture related problems and also energy efficiency costs. These are essential in maintaining a healthy home.

Research & Writing Assignment:

I chose to write about the articled called condensation. wanted to talk about condensation because anytime moisture is involved in a home you want to get rid of the isue as soon as possible. Condensation can form when temperature drops below Dew point.

Research & Writing Assignment:

I chose to write about the articled called condensation. wanted to talk about condensation because anytime moisture is involved in a home you want to get rid of the issue as soon as possible. Condensation can form when temperature drops below Dew point.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

It is important that bathroom vents terminate outside the structure. It is common to find them terminating improperly terminating in the attic. This introduces excess moisture in the attic space and can lead to mold growth and deterioration of the roof sheathing.

Research & Writing Assignment:

Energy efficiency has improved dramatically over the past number of years. Included in this is the recommended insulation levels of attics. While 6 inches of fiberglass batts sufficed in the northeast in the past, it is now recommended to add an additional 6 inches of unfaced insulation to bring the R levels up to par.

Research & Writing Assignment:

An article was read about attic pull-down ladders and the common defects to look out for. This includes cut trusses, improper nails or screws, not enough fasteners, ladders cut too short/long, compromised fire barrier, lack of weather stripping or insulation (if in the home), and cracked steps.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

This is the attic space above the wall, separating the living room and the garage. The blown in loose fill insulation over the living room which is fully covered and temperature controlled.It is the section to the right. The section in the center,is not covered with insulation or temperature controlled.It is over the garage.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

My essay and picture that was taken for this section was over insulation. I am re-modeling my bathroom and got to check out the batt/rolled insulation that is in the wall. This section taught me alot of the different types of insulation and where and what type of insulation is needed in certain areas of the home.

Research & Writing Assignment:

My essay for this section is over the article Installing Attic Insulation. This article has ALOT of information about installing insulation and about what and how much ventilation is needed. I have learned alot about what types of vents work best in the attic and how important the proper amount of insulation and ventilation is needed so there is no moisture or heat issue in the attic area.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

The enclosed photo is a single hung window found in many floida homes. The window has a fixed sash at the top of the window with a movable bottom sash and no muntins horizontally or vertically on either pane. The window is operable and is correctly sealed on the exterior and interior to prevent air leakage and also showed no signs of moisture intrusion.

Research & Writing Assignment:

When doing an exterior ceiling fan inspection, I start by making sure the fan is rated WET for the exterior use. Upon turning on the fan I check to make sure all the lights are functional and the fan is operating correctly, properly supported from an junction box in the ceiling and not wobbling. Improperly supported and wobbling fan are a safety hazard and should be corrected. I then check the clearance from the floor to see if its at least 7 feet to prevent blade contact