How to Inspect the Attic, Insulation, Ventilation and Interior Course

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

This is an image of water stains on the ceiling in a bedroom. The water stains indicates that there could be a leak coming from the roof, or from a water pipe. I suggest hiring a professional contractor to further investigate this.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

Writing assignment: attic, insulation and ventilation

This photo is of duct work in a basement of a house. As pictured, the duct work has foil tape to seal up the ductwork that was installed. It duct work has opening that are not sealed which is causing moisture into the air and allowing hot or cold air out. This increases electricity costs and gas cost depending on what time of year it is.

Research & Writing Assignment:

Writing assignment: installing attic insulation

In this article it gives examples of what inspectors should look for in a residence when inspecting the attic for proper insulation. Inspectors should pay attention to any insulation that is close to electrical receptacles or duct work. Inspectors also need to make sure that the ventilation is properly installed in order for the insulation to work properly.

Research & Writing Assignment:

Have you ever heard about the fact that a human mouth harbors more germs than you can imagine? Well, being the husband of a nurse, I hear about what infection and disease does all the time. As soon as I read Ben’s article on crawlspace hazards, I related it to a nurses perspective regarding her job. We as home inspectors need to be extremely aware of our surroundings within a residential crawlspace. First,upon determining safe entry, we need to use the PPE(Personnel Protective Equipment) that we are trained to use to protect ourselves. Second,It is our responsibility to our client to make them aware of what’s in the “mouth” of the potential home they are planning to purchase.In my personnel opinion,if we as professional home inspectors look at crawlspace inspection in this manner, we can show a higher level of responsibility to our clients and partners in the industry as well.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

Uninsulated ductwork was observed in the garage. Whenever ductwork travels through unconditioned space, it should be properly insulated to a minimum R-value of 6. Any joints should also be properly sealed to prevent air leaks. Recommend repair by a licensed contractor.

Research & Writing Assignment:

Attic pull down ladders provide access to storage and mechanicals (sometimes) located in unconditioned airspace. Use caution before climbing the ladder since many are improperly installed. If you observe improper installation techniques consider using a step ladder instead. Do not enter the attic via a ladder that is unsafe or provides inadequate access IN YOUR OPINION. Finally, the attic door itself should be insulated and the opening covered by an insulated box. This will prevent loss of conditioned air in the living space into the unconditioned air of the attic.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

The barrier EIFS and stone veneer cladding on this house have not been installed in strict accordance with any manufacturer’s installation instructions, industry standards, or good building practices. While the system appears to be in fair condition when viewed from afar, a closer look reveals many significant flaws.

The system has been installed too close to, and in some instances below grade. The bottom edge of the foam insulation boards has not been backrapped or sealed to the foundation edge. The system has not been properly spaced and sealed at dissimilar materials such as window and door frames, glass block inserts, stone veneer, utility penetrations. It has been installed in direct contact with the roof surfaces, front porch, and patio.

Kickout flashing are either undersized or have not been installed where the roof terminates in the plane of the cladding No headers flashing were observed above windows, doors, and glass block inserts.

No horizontal band has been installed between the first and second strays. The top edge of other horizontal has not been canted to promoted drainage.

The system is obviously delaminating at the east exterior of the front porch and below the window at the north side of the patio.

Elevated moisture reading was observed using a moisture meter under most of the window locations and above horizontal bands, and where the system is in contact with or below grade.

Given the vast number of repair needed and the facts that barrier EIFS is known to be an inherently defective product which cannot be made to resist moisture penetrations, it is the inspector’s considered opinion that the EIFS and stone veneer claddings should be removed from this house and replaced with a more durable and proven cladding such as Portland Cement stucco, stone or brick veneer. Removal of the existing claddings will almost certainly require the removal of the existing sheathing. At that time all moisture damage to the underlying structure must be repaired. Any insulation that has been exposed to moisture must be replaced. Prior to replacing the insulation or sheathing, it is recommended that all framing be treated with a borate solution such as Boracare.

All work should be performed by a licensed, bonded, and insured general contractor with significant experience replacing exterior claddings and in strict accordance with the cladding manufacturer’s installation instructions.

Research & Writing Assignment:

Mildew/mold was found in various locations within the basement and/or crawl space. This is usually due to improper ventilation and/or excess moisture from the foundation walls. Proper ventilation helps control humidity and reduces the risk of rot & mold growth. One (1) square foot of free cross vent area should be provided for every five hundred (500) square feet of crawl space. Crawl spaces can be vented to the building interior or exterior, depending on crawl space configuration. Standing water, water pipe & sewer leaks, condensate discharge, un-insulated heatingA/C ducts, and missing vapor barriers are just a few typical sources of excess moisture within a crawl space. The presence of mold & mildew may be part of the Termite Inspection. Treatment for Mildew/Mold may be desired or required. At the minimum, sources of excess moisture should be eliminated or minimized.

Research & Writing Assignment:

An understanding of R-value is essential in determining what type, and how much insulation is needed to efficiently keep a living space comfortable.
R-value is the measurement of a material’s thermal resistance. A higher R-value means more thermal resistance.
Probably the most common insulation is fiberglass batts. Loose fill fiberglass, rock wool, and cellulose are not uncommon. There is also polystyrene, urethane, and fiberglass ridgid board.
Knowledge of R-values is helpful when comparing the efficiently of different products. An understanding of thermal resistance will help you know whether insulation is properly installed.

Source: Insulation R-Value
By: Nick Gromicko and Ethan Ward

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

A well insulated and vented attic is an important part of a building’s thermal envelope. Energy savings and increased longevity of roof coverings, sheathing, and framing members are the advantages of adequate insulation and proper venting.
The benefit of thick insulation in the attic is obvious. It’s like a blanket over the ceiling. The importance of ventilation is too often under-emphasized or completely misunderstood.
Without adequate ventilation, roof surfaces will get hotter, shortening the life of of roof coverings. As warm air from the living space, which contains moisture , enters the attic space, it condenses in the cooler air. Ventilation helps prevent this, and allows for evaporation.
Even if your attic is already well insulated,
adding more is usually beneficial. Just be sure not to block air flow and compromise the ventilation system.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

This is an image of an interior stairway. The stairway measurements were found to be within code and nothing found to be unsafe. Handrail height was within 34 and 38 and Its clearance from the wall was at least 1 1/2. The stairway riser height was within the maximum allowed 7 3/4, along with the minimum width of 36. The stairway nosing was found to be between 3/4 and 1 1/4. The non-circular handrail handgrip perimeter was within the allowable 4 and 6 1/4. I did not notice any defects or hazards during time of inspection.

Research & Writing Assignment:

When doing an inspection of a bathroom ventilation duct and fan I look for obvious signs of defects inside the bathroom then work my way up into the attic. The fan should not have any dust or lint buildup, which will constrict airflow. I look for moisture stains and peeled paint which could be caused by insufficient ventilation. When inspecting the attic duct ventilation the duct should not stop in the attic area, but instead exit the exterior of home. Ducts that leak into attic can cause condensation, which could cause problems such as damage to materials and health problems such as mold.

Research & Writing Assignment:

I already typed a essay and now the system is making me type a second one. Not sure why, but this was a awesome class and I learned a lot. I would recommend this class to any inspector taking ce.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

This photo relates this ce class. This class was awesome and I would recommend to any inspector who is renewing his or her license this year. I would also say that the class was challenging because it took me several times to complete the test.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

This is a picture of the interior of a utility room in a basement. It is a poured wall foundation with batt insulation and a plastic vapor barrier over top. The vapor barrier is on the inside so that the wall dries to the outside since it is in a cold weather climate.

Research & Writing Assignment:

Ghosting is particulate that attaches itself to a surface because of the air pattern. Particulate is different depending on what is in the home and where it is located. Mysterious stains can be explained by this effect and then you can determine where it is originating from.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

This picture is of the window in the northwest corner of the living room. The window sill is missing and is allowing significant airflow into the home. I recommend this be repaired by a licensed contractor to correct the energy loss from this problem.

Research & Writing Assignment:

Stairs inside and outside the home can pose a significant risk to homeowners and their guest. Stairs that are carpeted may have loose carpet posing a trip hazard. Uneven risers, poor lighting, too steep, no safety gate at the top of stairs in homes with small children are just a few of the hazards stairs can pose. Warning homeowners of current hazards found and potential hazards can help prevent accidents now and in the future.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

Attic space above an attached unheated garage is shown in the picture. Blown in cellulose is the insulation that is installed at 3" depth. Roof vents are installed and are in good working order. No indication of water intrusion is observed. The access to the attic unsealed and not insulated, and only accessible via a ladder.

Inspection & Writing Assignment:

The picture chosen is that of a roof with vent stacks on top of it. The roof consists of vent stacks and plumbing stacks to remove remove the gases from the plumbing and the warm air from the attic. The attic fans also removes the hot air from the attic.