How to Recognize a Soft Home Inspection Report by Jim Bushart.

I see the Mopar connection in your company name. :wink:

Back in my high school days a friend of mine had a 69 charger with a 440 magnum. Oh, the memories. :smiley:

Now this is what I’m talkin’ about! :mrgreen:

Stainless? Isn’t that the car that some Oil Sheik bought?

When I wrote this article almost a year ago, I knew it would upset home inspectors who write “soft” reports and put their relationships with real estate salesmen at the same level (or higher) as their relationship with their client.

When Nick started this thread, I anticipated that some of them would voice their objections and I wasn’t wrong.

The personal attacks against me and attempts to hijack Nick’s thread and take it in a less embarassing direction is understandable as well … but it doesn’t change anything.

In September of 2011, according to an email I recieved from a Florida inspector, one of these guys had a client that feared his inspector was providing information that was designed to be more beneficial to the real estate agent than himself. In other words … he felt that the report was “soft” and he had no confidence in it.

The property buyer responded to the first inspector’s “soft” report by asking a different (and owner of a firm that employed 13 inspectors at that time) NACHI member to follow up on the inspection and provide a more credible report.

When the second NACHI member provided the follow-up inspection, the original inspector was offended. He went as far as to do a background check on the competitor who followed up his inspection and discovered a criminal record.

After he wrote Nick an email insisting that Nick expel the member because of his criminal record and Nick refused, he chose to make a public attack against Nick for allowing people with criminal records to belong to the association.

When his own mugshot was posted along with his own arrest record in that thread … he quickly changed his tune. I think the inspector he attacked had also promised some legal action, as well. At any rate, he begged Nick to the delete the thread (right after I made a PDF file copy of it) and the matter died.

The bottom line is … inspectors who make their living as described in the article will not appreciate it being made public. Since this thread is also in the public domain, I think it will quickly become obvious to the public that there are, indeed, such things as “soft” home inspection reports and inspectors who make a very good living from writing them.

Caveat emptor.

First car, 69 Plymouth Barracuda with a 383 Super Commando (Magnum) engine.
One of my favorite cars, 79 Dodge Magnum. Pictured.
It would be wise, as many found out, not to challenge the “big yellow car”! :wink:
I figured the third time would be the charm!


Good post Russel. As for moving to canad we have enough problems without a bunch of gun toting americans coming up here.:mrgreen::p:mrgreen:

When I wrote this article almost a year ago, I knew it would upset home inspectors who write “soft” reports and put their relationships with real estate salesmen at the same level (or higher) as their relationship with their client.

When Nick started this thread, I anticipated that some of them would voice their objections and I wasn’t wrong.

The personal attacks against me and attempts to hijack Nick’s thread and take it in a less embarassing (for them) direction is understandable as well … but it doesn’t change anything.

In September of 2011, according to an email I recieved from a Florida inspector, one of these guys had a client that feared his inspector was providing information that was designed to be more beneficial to the real estate agent than himself. In other words … he felt that the report was “soft” and he had no confidence in it.

The property buyer responded to the first inspector’s “soft” report by asking a different (and owner of a firm that employed 13 inspectors at that time) NACHI member who has not posted to this thread to follow up on the inspection and provide a more credible report.

When the second NACHI member provided the follow-up inspection, the original inspector (who has posted to this thread) was offended. He went as far as to do a background check on the competitor who followed up his inspection and discovered a criminal record.

After he wrote Nick a series of heated emails (which I was copied on) insisting that Nick expel the member because of his criminal record and Nick refused, he chose to make a public attack against Nick for allowing people with criminal records to belong to the association.

When his own mugshot was posted along with his own arrest record in that same thread and the rings of laughter echoed through the entire association … he quickly changed his tune. I think the inspector he attacked had also promised some legal action, as well. At any rate, he begged Nick to the delete the thread (right after I made a PDF file copy of it) and the matter died.

The bottom line is … inspectors who make their living as described in the article will not appreciate it being made public. Since this thread is also in the public domain, I think it will quickly become obvious to the public that there are, indeed, such things as “soft” home inspection reports and inspectors who make a very, very good living from writing them.

Caveat emptor.

I think that there are always going to be those who take short cuts, and that is present in all occupations and walks of life.
With your permission, I would like to copy your blog and then address each point, on my blog.

White Gold and yes Oil Sheik.

You have my permission - as long as you credit the author (me) and provide a link to the original article so that it can be read in its entirety by anyone wishing to compare your version to the original.

Will do.

No, not Rusty!!!
Was this the mug shot you are referring to Jim?

LMAO…tell the WHOLE story James.

Please provide documentation that this even happened. ONE small morsal of it. You cannot because NONE of the client soft reporting ever happened.

Now lets get to the rest of the story. I complained about a felon and inquired about his membership. YOU said it was 100% verified and he was well within his rights

Truth - You never ever investigated NOTHING. How do I know? HE LOST HIS HOME INSPECTION LICENSE. The state of Florida REVOKED it. Now you tell me he is a stand up guy who this supposed client called him is all BS. Please provide me proof that it ever occurred.

Too funny, you would rather defend a felon who has his license revoked by the state and you ae not even a home inspector. Man you guys really take the cake.

I never begged Nick to remove the thread…once again, your wrong.

James this being a public thread and your making absolute false alligations is now too much. We shall see what happens

If my post was composed of “absolute false alligations(sic)” without a single “morsal(sic)” of truth, I wonder why this guy is confessing to being the inspector I did not name. Assuming he is the guy, how did he recognize himself in an absolutely false story without a morsel of truth in it regarding an anonymous inspector? Very interesting.

Anyway, the email I referred to came from a NACHI member who claimed to have followed a “soft” report writer at the request of a client. This is an excerpt from his email that sent to me about the thread I referred to, which has since been deleted at the request of the inspector who initiated it …

So if all ASHI inspectors write bad reports does that mean all NACHI inspectors write good ones?

James - Come on, innuendo is clearly malice.

What ever happened to the inspector I complained about? Was his “story” ever validated? Why was nothing ever investigated? You assume everything he said is truth and everything I said was not true.

So why does he no longer hold a Florida Home Inspectors license? Because he LIED to get it as I said at the very beginning. It is OK James, trust me this is far from over and the truth shall come out and I bet the truth will be very costly to both of us, but I can afford it so it doesn’t bother me. Can you?

Play with fire long enough eventually you get burned.

I take pride in building a Home Inspection company (with all InterNACHI members) that has a solid foundation of Honesty, Integrity, and Ethics that is above all others. With a strong company of 13 Inspectors and Administrative staff, we have become the leader in the Home Inspection industry in Southwest Florida.

With this accomplishment, I do realize that we create animosity among other Inspectors and are open to frequent attacks such as this. My Inspectors and staff are also aware and stand behind me.

Furthermore, our reputation among the Real Estate Industry in our area has proven that Home Buyers trust our company with providing them the information required to make informed decisions about their home purchase.

We are often called in to provide second opinions after other Inspectors (including the one that has started this thread) in order to obtain a non biased Inspection. This may also be a reason this person started their attack against our company

LMAO…HE LOST HIS LICENSE BECAUSE HE LIED…so how does the first line work for you?

Not in my opinion, though Nick might disagree.

“Bad reports” is a pretty general description, though. Assuming you are talking about reports like those I wrote about, I think it would be impossible to limit them to any particular association. It is an individual choice made by the inspectors who write them.

Well this thread went to H E double hockey sticks!!

Naaa, it went where it had to go. Kinda funny, the guy I complained about had his license revoked by the state and he is still a member and apparently has Busharts admiration.

The first sentence of his email was that his company that has a “that has a solid foundation of Honesty, Integrity, and Ethics that is above all others”. OOOPSIE…he lost his home inspection license because it was revoked by the STATE of Florida. But apparently some see that as Honesty, Integrity and Ethics that the members of the organization are now defending.

Like I said this is going to be FUN FUN FUN…lets see how all of this plays out and see what happens to who. Stay tuned and watch the sparks fly.

As a member in good standing in this state and this organization and this being a public thread, facts must be backed up, that is the law. The law is a beautiful thing and once again, the fun is just starting.

Was the email the “inspector” sent to Bushart ever verified? Was it ever looked into for validity? Questions I have never received an answer to. Some will do anything to believe what they want to believe, but the truth will set you FREE…Court now,is nothing but “free”.