Anyone have a reliable method for age determination on furnaces and A/C units or a place to find that info? Always just a bit of a pain in the *$$. I must be making work out of it.
You can purchase the Prestons guide or use the guide below…
Aire-flo site:
Amana: BLACKHORSE. B=1971 or 1981. (They’ve been bought out by Goodman)
American Standard – See “TRANE” same company
Bard - 1962 to March 1980
Sample Number 123456 A D
1st six digits are the Unit Identity Number. In this example they are represented by the numbers 123456.
7th digit is the month of Manufacture. (The letter A in the Sample represents January).
A = January
B = February
C = March
D = April
E = May
F = June
G = July
H = August
Letter “I” was not used.
J = September
K = October
L = November
M = December
8th digit is the year of Manufacture. (The letter D in the Sample represents 1964).
1962 = B
1963 = C
1964 = D
1965 = E
1966 = F
1967 = G
1968 = H
Letter “I” was not used.
1969 = J
1970 = K
1971 = L
1972 = M
1973 = N
1974 = O
1975 = P
Letter “Q” was not used.
1976 = R
1977 = S
1978 = T
1979 = U
1980 = V
Bard - April & May 1980
Sample number 123 D A 123456
1st three digits are the Compressor Part Number.
4th digit is the month of Manufacture. In this sample D represents April.
D = April
F = May
5th digit is the year of Manufacture. In this sample A represents 1980.
1980 = A
This serial number style was only used during the months of April & May 1980.
6th thru 11th digits represent the Unit Identity Number.
Bard - June 1980 to Current
Sample number 123 H80 1234567 02
1st three digits = Compressor Part #
4th digit = Month
A = January
B = February
C = March
D = April
“E” was not used
F = May
“G” was not used
H = June
“I” was not used
J = July
K = August
L = September
M = October
N = November
“O” was not used
P = December
5th & 6th digits = Year
80 = 1980
81 = 1981
82 = 1982
Right on through. The year 2000 started the numerical numbering from 00.
00 = 2000
01 = 2001
02 = 2002
right on thru to current date.
7th thru 13th digits = Unit Identity #
14th & 15th digits = Factory Code (01=OH; 02=GA)
NNNNANNNNN This serial number format was used in the 1970’s through current. The first 4 numeric characters are the week and year of production. For example, a unit that came off the line on March 25, 1999 would begin with 1399, week 13 of the year 1999.
ANNNNNN This serial number was used from 1969 to 1990. The first alpha character is for the month of production.
A-M = Jan-Dec 1969-1979
N-Z = Jan-Dec 1980-1990
‘I’ and ‘O’ are not used
The second digit, a numeric character is the production year
The balance of the numeric characters are the production sequence
e.g., A912345…this serial number would be a unit produced in Jan 1969
P512345…this unit would have been produced in Feb 1985
Bryant, Carrier, Day & Night, Payne….
(last 20 years or so) the first four numbers in the serial number represent the week and year. Previously, it was a complex series of letters and single digits. Call 905-672-0606.
Or…the first two letters in serial number are the month and year.
A = Jan or 1970
B = Feb or 1971
C - Mar or 1972
D = Apr or 1973
E - May or 1974
F = Jun or 1975
G = Jul or 1976
H = Aug or 1977
I = Sep or 1978
J = Oct or 1979
K = Nov or 1980
L = Dec or 1981
M = Jan or 1982
N = Feb or 1983
P = Mar or 1984
Q = Apr or 1985
R = May or 1986
S = 1987
T = 1988
U = 1989
T = 1990
In 1945, Dresser Industries acquired Payne and Day & Night. Bryant was already a part of Dresser Industries. In 1949, Payne, Day & Night, and Bryant bought themselves out of Dresser Industries and formed Affiliated Gas Equipment (AGE). Carrier purchased AGE in 1955 and then formed the BDP Company in 1974 from Bryant, Day & Night, and Payne. United Technologies bought Carrier in 1979 and Payne separated from BDP in 1996 to form Payne Heating & Cooling but is still owned by Carrier. However, each company is it’s own company, doing its own research and manufacturing except as might be contracted with other companies. So Carrier doesn’t really “manufacture” Bryant, Payne, and Day & Night.
Coleman: Serial numbers prior to April 1992=1st two numbers are month, then year, then series.
After April 1992, 1st two numbers are year, then month, then series.
Comfortmaker (International Comfort) uses the first letter for the month (skipping I) and the first two digits are the year.
First Company Service Parts is one of 4 divisions of First Operations. They supply OEM equipment to all of the major HVAC manufacturers. They are located in Dallas, Tx at 214-388-5751. Harold Hammer at Tech Support (ext#5) will answer your questions.
Goodman: First two digits of the serial number are the year. Second two are the month.
Btu rating is model number…ie; GMP075-3 (75,000 bonnet input)
Compressor is same :serial # 9709088872 (yr1997 wk 09) Tonnage is model # CK361C The first two numbers after the CK (letters) divided by 12 is tons. ie: 36 div by 12= 3 tons.
Lennox: Newer units – (Serial Number) First two numbers equal manufacturing plant #, 2nd two are year and letter in fifth slot is month (A thru M minus I). So 5898G 07568 would be Plant # 58, Year of MFR would be 98 and month would be July.
Prior to 1974, the first two digits will be year, and the third-fourth digits are the month
**Magic Chef: **from 1984 through 1998 has serial numbers with one letter, five numbers, and then three letters.
Last three letters of the serial number are date and place of manufacture where the first letter is the month and the middle letter is the Year and the last letter is the place.
A = January
B = February
C = March
D = April
E – May
F = June
G = July
H = August
I = September
J = October
L = November
M = December
A = 1980
B = 1981
C = 1982
D = 1983
S = 1997
T = 1998
Rheem & Rudd: in the middle of the serial number will be a letter “F” the following four numbers are the week and year.
**Trane used alpha codes in their serial numbers to determine year of manufacture. They started this in 1987 with the letter B and skipped the letters I, O, Q, U, Z
In 2002 they started their serial numbers with the year it was built.
The first letter of the serial number gives the year of manufacture as follows:
U=82(seventh digit)
T=81(seventh digit)
O, A=80(seventh digit)
Westinghouse was only in the business from 1974 to 1981.
**YORK: **(Unitary Products since 1984)
Note: they skip the letters I, O, Q, U, Z.
Year of make indicated by 3rd letter in the serial number.
Fraser, Johnston and Luxaire were purchased by York in 1980.
York recently changed their serial nomenclature, so the old cheat sheets will not work in decoding anything manufactured after 2005.
In this case, the NEW serial decoding is used. The new decoding is MUCH easier than the old.
First letter - specifies CITY of manufacture. W - Witchita, Kansas
Second number - tells you the THIRD digit of the year of manufacture.
Third letter - specifies month of manufacture. (12 Letters) A-January B-February C-March D-April E–May, F-June, H-July.
Fourth number - specifies fourth digit of year of manufacture.
When there are three or four letters at the start, the third letter is the year. Y is 1991, A is 1992, etc.
The remaining numbers are just sequential numbers, and can be ignored.
Web site with more info. On York
1971 - A
1972 - B
1973 - C
1974 - D
1975 - E
1976 - F
1977 - G
1978 - H
1979 - J
1980 - K
1981 - L
1982 – M
1983 – N
1984 – P
1985 - R
1986 - S
1987 - T
1988 - V
1989 - W
1990 - X
1991 – Y
1992 – A
1993 - B
1994 - C
1995 – D
1996 - E
1997 - F
1998 - G
1999 - H
2000 - J
2001 - K
2002 - L
2003 - M
2004 - N
2005 - P
2006 - R
2007 - S
Great stuff David!
How many times do you suppose this has been posted David? I know I have posted your list at least 5 times. It is a great help to all.
Yes, I’ve posted this list (with updates) quite a few times. I don’t mind at all.
As stated in many previous posts, there should be a link on the left navigation bar (of this site) where NACHI members can go to obtain HVAC, Boiler and Water Heater manufacturer dates.
It’s not hard to accomplish, I don’t know what the problem is?
Until then, I’ll simply continue posting my list until it gets plastered all over this MB.
Regardless of how many times you have posted it . . . I sure appreciate it this time! Just the info I was looking for. What a great little system we have here eh?
Many thanks
What is the year of this Amana a/c condenser. Model number ASZC180481AB…
Here’s picture:
Here is what I use. I keep them on my computer for quick referance.
Forgot to add this one in. has most common a/c units listed.
Need the serial number to determine age.
Looks like a 2010
The items in red are incorrect, they should be swapped. “S” is 2001 and “Z” is 1986