Inadequate attic headroom, you suspect bad electrical, what's the recommendation?

It’s an old house, you suspect that there’s bad electrical up there, you can’t recommend inspection after safe access has been provided because there isn’t going to be safe access provided. What’s your report comment?
Here’s what I’ve got, but I’m not happy with it because it doesn’t provide any good alternative:

“The attic space lacked adequate headroom for safe entry. As a result, inspection of the attic space lies beyond the scope of the General Home Inspection and it was not inspected. Attics may contain potential fire or health hazards, other safety issues, damage, or defects that have the potential to cause damage to the home.”

You can say that you inspected the attic from the hatch, but that’s not inspecting the attic, that’s just inspecting the portion of the attic near the hatch. I think if the comment includes the words “I inspected the attic…”" when you only inspected a small portion, then that’s potentially a bad thing. Better to say the attic was not inspected. Any suggestions?

May be something like this

“The attic space lacked adequate headroom for safe entry. As a result the attic was only viewed from access opening, inspection of the attic space lies beyond the scope of the General Home Inspection and therefore was not inspected. The condition of the attic are unknown and may contain potential fire or health hazards, other safety issues, damage, or defects that have the potential to cause damage to the home. This inspector recommends that you consult with a qualified contractor as to the safety, integrity and performance of attic space.”

Hey Kenton can you explain what one of those attics you mentioned look like for us small inspectors that have never seen one:p

Please tell why you suspect bad electrical up there.

If it’s because you saw significant bad electrical in other areas of the home then tell them that the same electrical issues observed elsewhere may also be present in the inaccessible attic.

If I’m really nervous about something that I couldn’t inspect. I’m going to make sure that the client shares my same unease about it not being inspected and that any bonafide concerns are well articulated in the report.

They’re the ones that make your voice go up an octave, Charlie. The ones where you sorta swim through the insulation because you’re not gonna stand up or even duck walk. It’s the 2 1/2&12 on a small house. But if you’re one of those Oklahoma Limbo guys where you just lean back and get a good look at the rafters and sheathing as you feel for the ceiling joists with your feet, its OK. :mrgreen::mrgreen: You guys inspect those Limbo attics barefoot? And how come you’re always scratchin’?

That’s what I was thinking, Chuck. You see bad electrical elsewhere and you know there’s electrical components in the attic, there’s no reason to expect they’ll be any better in the attic.

This is what I use as there are many many old homes here and I use this often. The very small attics with out insulation I normally see all original K&T right off, and I get close enough to test it but I still use this as I have found 90+% of it live. The small ones that are insulated you need to be very careful but if you take your time you will find it quick and it will normally be spliced to NM or BX and normally not in a junction box and just taped. I modify it as to what I see.
I have yet to have any one question me.