Inspecting Foundation walls and Piers Course

I really love how indepth the courses are and don’t miss a thing. But it gets very dry just reading and not watching a video of what I’m reading, so I can see it visually. Just my 2 cents :grinning::grin::+1:


Send that to . It will help many.


I should Larry, Good idea!! :grin:


A member just sent in a great essay response! Check it out:

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Research & Writing Essay Instructions

  1. Choose one inspection article from the Library of Inspection Articles or choose one illustration from the Illustration Gallery that directly relates to the main topics of this course. 
  2. Study the article or illustration. 
  3. In the box below titled “Your Essay," write an essay that describes what you’ve learned from reading the article or studying the image. 

Your essay must the following criteria: 

  • It must be written in English. 
  • It must be at least 80 words in length. 
  • It must be written at a minimum 4th-grade level.  
  • It must sufficiently comment upon the chosen article or illustration that is related to the main topics of this course. 

This research and writing essay assignment is very similar to what a home inspector does during a home inspection--performing an inspection, researching, studying, making observations, evaluating, writing notes, formulating opinions, and communicating observations in written form. 

Once you submit your essay, it will be posted to the InterNACHI Inspection Forum. If the essay does not meet the criteria, you'll be notified by email to rewrite the essay.  

Please continue with the course after submitting your essay. 

Evidence of bowing and cracking basement walls are ultimately caused by what's happening outside the structure within the soil and water. Pressure builds up in the soil surrounding basement walls, causing them to cave in over time. This also could be from water freezing and expanding applying more pressure.

likewise I enjoy it also

Easy to follow explanations aids everyone, none so more important than the novice.
Bravo! Well done.

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How is this class?

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Enlightening and informative.

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I think there is a lot of reading. I know it’s money to produce videos, but I think it’s worth it. And more illustrations.

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About to jump into the course, looking forward to it!