Inspector Coaching Session with InterNACHI's Ben Gromicko - Free Home Inspector Webinar

Webinars / Recordings / Inspector Coaching Session with InterNACHI's Ben Gromicko

Inspector Coaching Session with InterNACHI's Ben Gromicko

Talk with InterNACHI's Ben Gromicko and other home inspectors about anything related to home inspections, including training, certification, business, and marketing, etc. The sessions are live, face-to-face, and interactive.



Originally broadcast on Aug 12, 2020

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
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That coaching session was a lot of fun. And informative. Learned a lot. To watch the video recording, please click the following link: InterNACHI Inspector Coaching Session #2.

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This was the best use of Zoom for me this week! Super appreciated the interactions with other Inspectors and Ben was very patient and giving of his time so that we all could share and learn.


I started to watch the video and it looks like it has some great tips. I’ll wrap it up this weekend. Thanks for posting!


This was fun. I learned some things and it helped in my decision to sign up for the buy back guarantee. Ben Gormicko is always good, but it was nice to be helpful to other inspectors and know I’m not alone in some of my struggles as a new inspector and business owner.

I will definitely do this again.

Thanks Ben for doing this.


Registering for a coaching sessions is available from within the free, online Master Class for Home Inspectors at