Post your ideas for graphics that you want here, so we can all think about them.
[size=4]WOW! [/size]
Cool Beans! :mrgreen:
Where / how do I start??!!
By submitting your design for Franks idea… :p:p:D:D:D
I got the idea, now to work on it. Thanks Nick
That’s cool!
Posted: Here
But here ya go for starters:
Looks great . . . how do we download them to use other than copy and paste . . . will we be able to download the SketchUp models/files?
A few ideas:**
- 3D view of garbage disposal - exploded view would be nice
- 3D view of common items in walls . . . electrical wiring, plumbing, HVAC ducting, vacuum system, etc.
- 3D view of framing around windows, doors, etc.
- 3D view of GFCI outlets in relation to sinks, toilets, etc.
- 3D view of egress thru basement windows, etc.
- 3D view of drainage around the exterior
Really like the 4th image down - similar images of the above would be great . . . look forward to seeing more from your in-house designer.
Great idea, thanks Nick!