InterNACHI® Live Virtual Sewer Scope Inspection Course August 21st, 2020

:bell:We are offering a LIVE virtual sewer scope inspection course!

Join Certified Professional Inspectors® Jim Krumm and Mike Krumm as they take you on a virtual inspection at InterNACHI’s House of Horrors® for live sewer scope training on August 21st via Zoom.

:white_check_mark: Registering for the live virtual training course will also provide you unlimited access to the online Sewer Scope Inspection Training Course provided by, which will further train and certify you as an InterNACHI® Certified Sewer Scope Inspector.

CLICK HERE to register & purchase your ticket to attend the online course!


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Can’t wait for this LIVE virtual training course!

Watch this short promo video for a description of the live virtual training course.

Take the live virtual course and complete the online certification course to become an InterNACHI® Certified Sewer Scope Inspector.