InterNACHI releases "How to Perform Energy Audits" FREE online 3-day course.

You are obviously unfamiliar with the difference between good online education and the classroom. Online for most folks means no distractions and the ability to repeat and go at whatever pace works for that person.

Let’s also not forget that this is knowledge built on knowledge.

Maybe Nick can get this approved for iNACHI to be an affiliate organization for BPI -
Nick - this looks great - can you state that after this course one could take the RESNET Rater test and the BPI certification test and pass ?

Kevin has suggested this training video. I bought it and it goes through an audit in detail. Good video!

Linas, are you training to get BPI certified?:slight_smile:

Great course, just got done taking it. found it very insightful and useful. just takes a lot of investment for the equipment.:slight_smile:

Linus - I plan to buy this - but there is still the written exam - I am curious if the iNachi course will take the place of the courses out there that cost anywhere from $800 to $1500 and prepare one for the written test.

Greg, read back through this thread. It appears InterNACHI’s course is much further ahead than BPI which hasn’t as yet even fully embraced IR cameras.

This new InterNACHI course, like all InterNACHI courses, is the most comprehensive, advanced course on Energy Auditing (although I guess there is nothing wrong with using a smoke stick, the back of your hand, and a slide rule ;)).

awesome Nick thanks again

I registered and payed for the Building Analyst Course but it was cancelled due to lack of enough people to hold the class. I have an audit scheduled today.:stuck_out_tongue:

Linas, I know you got an IR camera, did you get the blower door also?
I’d be curious if your course was comparable to Nicks Course. :slight_smile:
I’ll be taking Nick’s course when I get the time here shortly. :slight_smile:

No I didn’t buy the blower door or other equipment. I’ll wait and see how this all pans out. I did an inspection today where my client wanted to know where he had insulation deficiencies and air infiltration issues. No blower door was needed. Just and IR scan.

Brown IR 009 [640x480].jpg

Brown IR 004 [640x480].jpg

Brown IR 001 [640x480].jpg

That is one good tool to have Linas, and a little of common sense for the rest of the things to look at can go a long ways.
Hope things are good for you over there. :):smiley:

Marcel, just get your wife pissed up (since it’s your birthday) and convince her that an IR camera is a wise investment. Then you can get another website from Dom and design it for IR. You are the new website guru.;):wink:

You can’t believe how challenging that website was for me Linas and far from looking like one of yours, but it puts the message out. You have to compete with Bob E. so you need a good site. :mrgreen:
And getting my wife pissed enough to take money out of the savings for a camera, I am afraid is not going to happen. But I sure would like to have one. That’s a big investment in this broken economy.
I have managed for five months without a full time job to not take money out of my savings, so I did alright to pay the bills anyways.
I would have to take the training first anyways. I don’t know if it is offered here in Maine and how much it cost. :):smiley:

Awsome looking forward to taking that course.

Greg, you may want to research this further before spending thousands of dollars into something that may not be the cash cow it is portrayed to be. You’re looking at a minimum investment of about $5k without an IR camera. I did an IR energy audit yesterday on a 2500 s.f. home that took 2 hours just for the scan and to explain to the client where his issues were. If I were to do CAZ testing and a blower door test that would add probably another hour. Then add report time. All this for little more than the cost of a home inspection? The only way I see you making money on this is if you are a building performance contractor and do the upgrades.



There are ways around this as well, Linus. During Kevins round table talks I will be able to give you guys some marketing ideas that I know of other energy auditors using, and a few I came up with on my own.


I look forward to your thoughts and suggestions Jason as well as the first round table discussion. There are so many different energy agencies out there, RESNET, Energystar, HERS, BPI… the list goes on and on. The one commen denominator is they all want about $1500 for thier training and to date there is no national standard.

I took John McKenna’s IR class and the camera should be here next week. ’ cannot yet see the value of a door blower when you have good Delta T. Down here it is usually 68 to 72 degrees interior and over 85 degrees exterior temperature.

I did a search for BPI audit contractors in the Chicago area and they had 6 listed. Not many for an area with millions of homes to service.