InterNACHI's inspector forum tops 99,000 registered users

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With that many users, there should be way more activity. I wish more members would participate, and post/answer questions.
This is a priceless resource.


I was thinking the same. One thing I considered, most inspectors on this forum are independents it seems. Taking a wag at the ratio, I would guess there is one solo independent inspector per every 500 inspectors employed by a multi inspector firm.

Inspectors in those firms have the support they need from their trainer, field supervisor etc.

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2100 inspectors made 7,800 posts in the past 30 days. That’s a lot.


That is a lot, I guess we are just fast readers.

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That is a lot, for only noticing the same 10-20 all the time :smiley:


371 different users posted in just the past 24 hours:

Very true…but I probably account for half those posts haha

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I think the 371 is number of visitors, not number of posters correct? There are a lot of inspectors reading the forum but there is no way 371 different people posted in the last 24 hours. That only happens during the Christmas party, lol.

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Let me get new data. Here:

No, the number of visitors is probably more than 10,000. Let me see where I can get that data. Hold on.

As you can see, there are generally more than 10,000 visitors a day not including crawlers. This is just data for the message board (forum). Not all of InterNACHI.

Help me understand, how is there more posters than posts? And what is the difference between “users” and “active users?”

If there are 300+ different users making posts each day, I must not be seeing most of them.

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User is new registered user. Active user is someone who posted or liked a post.

It’s a bit like a talk radio show. A few callers contribute but thousand of listeners.

If you look at the most popular posts, you’ll see that they are all technical. Some inspectors, by their comments, seem to think that the InterNACHI forum is a lot of politics and funny memes and stuff, but in actuality, it’s just what those people focus on. In reality, the bulk of the users are in technical threads:

Look at the number of pageviews just today and yesterday (more than 40,000/day) :

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It’s insane, how much traffic this forum gets.

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1.3 million pageviews in the last month.

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It’s a great forum and a great resource for home inspectors. Thanks for making it happen!

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