John Bubbler Thread

**Go here & study hard they’ll be a test later on.


Thanks she was even dog of the day! YEEEHAW!
Hashana - Papillon - September 18, 2009

Is THIS him…or her? Got cheeks?

Bubba, I don’t think that bikini can get any smaller, do you? ;):slight_smile:

i wish it would! hehehe

BUTT it is very… fitting, on her cheekies

She seems to know how to handle a rod.

she can call Uncle Bubba at 1-800-got-milk


HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahaaaaa!!! Funny as hll Gold-dude!

LOL I don’t know where the hell they find those. Funny as hell. :slight_smile:

