Join me in wishing Alberta CMI® Randy McKay a happy birthday. Member for over 10 years

Happy birthday @rmckay! Randy has been with InterNACHI® for over 10 years!

Nice website:

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Happy Birthday, Randy! :smile:

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Happy Birthday Randy! How’s the weather in Cowtown? :slight_smile:

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Wow, another birthday Randy? Have a good one!

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It is still winter for sure, but if you wait 5 minutes it will change

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Happy birthday Randy.

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Hey guys, thank you for taking the time to wish me a happy birthday, I turned 65 today and still going strong. I love being a home inspector these last 10 years and for you to wish me a happy birthday means a lot to me.


65! Wow. Time flies.

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You’re only so old as you feel! :smile:

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