Kiyosaki: Biggest crash in world history coming in October

“Stock Market Crash: Expert Warns That 80% Drop in S&P 500 Awaits” Stock Market Crash: Expert Warns That 80% Drop in S&P 500 Awaits

Blind Mouse - predict gloom and doom constantly. Eventually, he’ll be right and claim he’s a prophet.


He’s been predicting a gradual economic decline for years, due to an aging baby boomer demographic spending less money in retirement. Half of us are driving cars and trucks that are 15 to 25 years old. The only thing that has kept the stock markets (and the housing market) afloat is unreasonably low interest rates. That and the economic chaos caused by the Plandemic and “free money” (that our children and grandchildren will have to pay back) have created an artificial economic environment that gives the illusion of being sustainable.


Oh yeah, I am on board with all this. On a large scale we’re totally screwed. The only good news for housing in the somewhat short term is the government can’t raise interest rates any reasonable amount since they can’t afford to pay interest on all the money they print/borrow. If rates went up any real amount the housing market would be screwed (along with the rest of the economy I suppose).

Pre-pandemic I thought property was a safe investment but all of the sudden the government can seize our real estate by not forcing people to pay rent. So, now I don’t know. Stock market? Yikes (but, of course, I have some money there). My wife has some vacation rentals that do pretty well. Except, they are in Hawaii and the government can shut down the whole island so even that’s dicey. In the end I still think property is the best place to plant money long term but everything is scary these days.


You’re lucky.
Where I am the rules offer lifetime tenancy, no matter how nice or problematic the tenant is.

Look what crashed in my yard tonight.

The left has its own “terrorist” propaganda. Anytime you use violence to advance a political agenda, it is terrorism. Do not fool yourself to think the right are the only players in this game. The left is just better at pointing the finger and labeling while being completely hypocritical. They have convinced themselves their cause is more “noble” and with the help of the media are allowed to escape the truth.


“In major shift, Germans begin targeting platforms driving Israel’s online fraud | The Times of Israel” In major shift, Germans begin targeting platforms driving Israel's online fraud | The Times of Israel

“Why Is Zillow Selling 7000 Homes? Tale of Failure, Mistrust, Hot Housing Market - Bloomberg” Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

This thread didn’t age well.


Neither did the dot-com bubble or the mortgage-backed securities of 25 and 15 years ago. A thinking man knows this market fraud has to crash sometime soon.

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Well, you certainly match his definition of monetary illiteracy, if you don’t already know that the stock market is grossly overvalued due to artificially low interest rates for 20 years- and especially since 2011.

Tell Karen that is kinda funny :+1: