Let's talk NUPI...

I don’t understand. Are you saying that I released the bogus information? If that is what you are implying, I agree, the timing sucked.

You are the person who started the thread…“Let’s talk NUPI”, who carried the NUPI logo as his avatar for several weeks, and lamented that no one contacted you before making assumptions…right?:roll:

(Hhhmmmm…yes…straight answers since the convention. That’s what we are looking for.)

Okay. Let’s try this one.

You have said that you are not the “founder and owner” of NUPI. What was and/or is your role at NUPI?

You have a very convenient memory


I am not aware of the bogus information that you are referring to. I am only aware of a tape recording made of a conversation you had with several members trashing the association and people you worked under, at that time. The person who released it was/is a member who was quite taken back to travel the distance that he did to a national convention to hear the (then) Executive Director speaking about NACHI, Nick etc…as you did, and he made a clear recording of the conversation for others to listen to.

But that is not what I was referring to.

I was referring to the timing…as to how…since that happened, you have been much like you are being in this thread; extremely coy and “bill clintonish” with things depending upon exactly what the meaning of “is” is…for instance. I remember a time that you were more of straight shooter than you have been since the time of that incident.

Absolutely nothing other than providing a temporary working space.

The creator/founder/owner or whatever you want to call it had an idea and approached me with that idea. I agreed to voluntarily help. It started out to be strictly for home inspectors and morphed from there to include commercial inspectors, building officials, legislators, homeowners, buyers, sellers and whatever.

Ok John.

Just what did I spend my $25 for?

Here is the thread of yours that got me to sign up.

It’s not about the $25.

But I’d like a better explanation of what happened to the National Chapter of NACHI and NHITI( I guess the lifetime membership was owas the lifetime of NHITI not mine.:frowning:

Ahh now I see. What in the world do you expect. How would you act if you were falsely accused of something that you know “Beyond a Reasonable Doubt” did not happen.

How would you react if your every move, typed word, or cough was met with a fine tooth comb.

How would you react when every thing you say is twisted to fit the need of the stalker.

Give me a break. You are a perfect example of the type of person who twists and turns everything to your advantage. Its to the point where I can say Damn, I Love my Wife, and you will twist it and turn it to the point where I am in Love with someone else’s wife.

You are good at it Jim, and I congratulate you for it. I prefer not to associate or innteract with such people. It must get awful boring day in and day out, sitting behing your keyboard and just waiting for the opportunity to pounce.

Administrative fee. The NHITI domain name which hosted the NACHI National Chapter was set up and owned by another iNACHI member. He failed to renew the fee and we lost the site. If I had known that it was up for renewal, it would quickly have been done. But…

The same individual owned the domain names of the NACHI Foundation and the Foundation for Safer Housing. Fortunately, I believe the Foundation for Safer Housing may be taken care of.

Anyways if someone can get me the username and password to the National Chapter Site on NACHI’s system, I will assist getting it up and running and if you would like you can take it over.

I’ll meet anyone at the 2008 convention and gladly reimburse their administrative fee by taking them our for a complete dinner (your choice of restaurant) and drinks (your choice). Bring your receipt with you showing that you paid me directly.


So you take no responsibility for a site and chapter you promoted?

It sounds like promises made and not kept. Correct me if I’m wrong.

Was there any announcement of the demise of the National chapter or NHITI?

Yes. Emails were sent out to Chapter members. NHITI was just an extended source for chapter members. I’m extremely sad that the site was lost. If I had more computer inteligence (like chris and nick) I would have had a back-up. But who whould of thunk. I lost every bit of information that I put on there.

I believe I did just take full responsibility for my incompetence in not having a back-up.

I did not receive an email.

You were on the list under Missouri Inspectors.

When was the email sent out?

This refers to Gary Johnson, as I recall.

John took NHITI and attempted to build something out of it. It dissappeared from the Net some time ago, I believe

I have no idea. I don’t hang on to incoming or outgoing emails. Do you check your junk mail daily?

I didn’t want to mention names, but yes, you are correct.

It happened, John.

Perhaps the Scotch you were putting away that night has allowed you to have no memory of the event. Perhaps you may even be able to pass a lie detector test in support of your claim. But it happened.

The person who came forward with the recording was promised that his/her name would never be revealed and I am proudly amazed at the abuse that those who directly spoke with this person and listened to the recording have allowed themselves to be subjected to, with false claims made against* their *integrity, in order to honor the promise made to the person who taped you.

And it was almost five months after this NACHI-gate had come and gone…that I even heard about it. I was neither stalking you or preparing to pounce on you. In fact, during that period of time, I had no thoughts about you one way or the other.

But returning to the message board, I found a completely different John Bowman than I knew prior to the convention. The old one was a fine person. The new one…well…you know.

No Jim, it did not happen. No matter who, how or why anyone tries to twist this, I was not involved in any unimagineable discord towards NACHI or Nick.

Were there problems at the 2005 Convention. You betcha. Especially the day that one of the instructors was locked out of her room because for some reason the room was not taken care of by NACHI as contracted.

I have no idea how that turned out, but I do know that my wife and I gave her and her two children the opportunity to at least use our room until it was resolved. She was pissed, as you can imagine. Poor woman had two children in tow fresh from the pool wearing nothing but the swimming suits on their backs.

But before you twist and turn this remember, I have no idea how it turned out. I heard that several NACHI members came to her rescue and placed the room charges on their credit card.

2005 NACHI Convention…Hmmmm…Did not attend…

It was the Kingston Convention that was held in Florida. :slight_smile: