The LI Nachi & Metro Chapter are going to host a Pro-Lab MOLD Seminar on Friday 5/19/2006 from 8am/4pm
Location; Comfort Inn in Medford LI just south of the LIE @ exit 64

Price; $75.00 for members & $125.00 for nonmembers.
Food; Breakfast will include, Rolls,Bagels,Coffee,Juice ect.
Lunch will include Hero’s,salads,soda ect.
CEU’s you will get credit at Nachi but NO credits for NY State.
This is a RSVP event with limited seating so don’t wait to long, you might not get in.
***RSVP me at]( ***

Before anyone asks the reason it cost’s more than the last time is because there was rumors about bill’s school making money which was not true so know we have to pay for the room ect.
I hope as many as possible take advantage of this class because there won’t be another for awhile since we are working on differant classes in the future.
Regards Len Ungar LI Nachi Chapter Pres.]
***PS. I have to order the amount of food for the event so PLEASE do not wait till the last minute to RSVP [thank’s in advance Len]:roll: ***

Remember to contact Len Ungar- Any e-mails I receive I have been forwarding to Len- His e-mail again is

This course will also include a professionally prepared Mold Book as part of the course, presented by ProLab and Doug will be the presenter of this event.

I believe many will benefit from this event- The typical cost for a Mold Inspection appears to be approx. $80-$120 per inspection, and if the inspector charges $300-$500 per inspection, the profit ratio is higher than most inspections based upon the time. And, during the class, the testing lab will explain the limits to your liability since they carry insurance and a bond as part of the actual test.