Licensing question

Hi Raymond

The truth about Kevin is known to everyone in either association. MCS “watchdog”, on the other hand, will definitely benefit from getting it first hand. So thank you, once again Raymond. :wink:

I have went further than this and as for you Yuri it would be in your best interest to remove your comment.

So obviously agreements made to keep the past where it should be only applies as long as it suits you. As soon as you decide that it is in your interest, and your interest alone to break any agreement you feel you are entitled to do so. Nice!

He can’t. You quoted it.

Mr Bowman, or whoever.

Thanks for passing the comments to Mr Brazer.

If you read any of the information posted you would know his name is David Brezer.

As for my comments being unprofessional, I said the statements made by a fellow inspector were false and misleading. This inspector often suggests he is privy to "inside"information from the “watchdog”. I confirmed today that this is NOT the case. This in effect to me proves that the information posted in this case was both “false” and “misleading”.

I suggested also the he should shut-up unless he had something accurate, informative and constructive to say. The process we are undertaking is hard enough as it is. Comments that are made on this and other media are being taken forward. Whether they have any impact will not be known until the final report is issued.

As for the comment about “spitting his pacifier out”, we went through a series of spiteful posts earlier in the year, and as professionals put it to bed. The same Inspector decided unilaterally to go back on the agreement he was party to and start “slinging mud” again.

Any comments thus posted and forwarded to MCS is welcome by me, because I can back-up every comment made with the string of posts made by the inspector in question, and the MCS “Watchdog” can see from the public posts that the fellow inspector is making out the relationship with the “Watchdog”.

Maybe the “Watchdog” having gagged every other member of the panel under the Chatham House Rule somehow see our fellow inspector as a special case and have allowed him to have intimate details of the workings of the panel, what is discussed and who is trying to do what, where and when.

Unfortunately, most of what he says on this matter that is not directly attributable to the emails that everyone else gets from the MCS is wrong.

In addition to all of this evidenciary support, I also post under my own name.

I find hiding behind a nom-de-plume to be both underhanded, unethical and at the very least a breach of the InterNACHI message board rules.

So getting a lecture about me calling out of these falsehoods from you, and suggesting that my conduct is contrary to the ethics and professional conduct expected seems, to me anyway, somewhat screwy.


I have never stated that I am privy to info of these meetings. I informed clearly that I am on a list with David and I do not need to say anymore.
I do however have a vested interest for Timothy to continue to act for InterNachi and will continue to keep informing Nick as to the progress made in possible licensing.

Btw I have no problem with my posts on the open portion of the MB and sending them to David Brezer, Nick or anyone in the MCS. The action set forth was before this meeting and you cannot deny that you have come out unscathed. Now remove your post ASAP and go back to helping your group properly.
Keep your members in line also by proper discipline procedures and act like a secretary not some dictator.


Are you for real. You obviously have a micro management issue and to boot you hold two values.

Your excuses are pitiful. If you truly adhere to the rules you claim you hold so dear I suggest you file a internal discipline complaint via your OACHI.

All other excuses you wrote above are just that - excuses.

What good are your bylaws and policies if you are free to do as you see fit?

And yes that was a typo as to the spelling of Mr. Brezer, here are the other names Aimee Skelton, Ben Valido.

Regardless what you think or say your comments and pleadings are being forwarded.
To think you are sitting in judgement of any of us is a joke given your reckless disregard for the rules.

Many know how I feel about your handling of some of your previous Happenings.
Well it looks like you again have put your foot in your mouth .
This is unfortunate how you continue to attack others .

Once again it looks like you Mr. Linkster is making up the rules that don’t exist.

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Roy, I quote

One account, doesn’t mean one at a time. Posing as another user, real or otherwise is similarly banned.

Don’t see where I made up any rules here Roy. Maybe you and I read the rules differently.

Should we send it to the InterNACHI ESOP committee for a ruling?

If I’m wrong, I’ll surely apologise.

Will the other posters on this thread apologise for going back on an agreement made to put to bed old issues, stop their constant sniping about past events and let us get on with the future?

I cannot change what you think about how things in the past were done nor do I intend to try.

My track record since and the track record of everyone involved tends to show to the larger population that the right decisions were made for the right reasons.

Sorry if you see otherwise.

The fact that I said you have not gone unscathed is not a breach of our agreement. You lost 2 very important people and created more problems by not listening. Now go back to your group and remove your post.

You didn’t originally say we’d gone unscathed, you said we had got, and I quote “nailed for the same thing that OAHI did. Sorry if it hurts but you are part of the problem created already and there is no way to back out now.”

Modifying your position without retracting the original statement is not a defence.

When asked for information about what we’d got nailed with the same as OAHI you failed to produce anything, just again went on the offensive, deflected the request and once again proved you do not have evidence, because there is none.

You don’t (last time I looked) own InterNACHI or any of the message board rights. You certainly are not my boss/father/commander in chief.

Ordering people to go somewhere else, or “not start” only inflames the situation. Especially when it is you that start things, and others are only responding to your outlandish comments with facts that put the record straight.

You know I do Len! Maybe the word nailed is different then the word “caught in the act” of wrongdoing according to proper practice of a not NFP Association.
This goes on record and will never go away.
Removing me in the way that it was done is not and will never be the right way to do it in a NFP Association.
When it was done is also in question.
Best to just learn from your mistake, apologize for the error in judgement and move on.

Proper Practice for any NPO is based upon the Articles of Incorporation, the Bylaws and the operational standards in that order.

Each one is different, there is no one rule to fit all.

Show me EXACTLY where we breached either and I’ll apologize.

Otherwise please drop it.

While people continually spend time and effort defending themselves from your whining, they are not concentrating on what’s important.

How about looking to the future and how you might actually help the profession in Ontario, by constructive support instead of this constant self-serving destructive diversion.

The Ministry of Consumer Services via their consultants SEG will be reaching out to all inspectors in Ontario, regardless of affiliation to complete a survey.

This survey s to assist in the way in which the regulations will be formulated, managed and costed, so it is extremely important that everyone fills it out fully and accurately.

For anyone who doesn’t hear from SEG about the Survey, we will be posting a link on the front page of the OntarioACHI message board, and the main website at and this message board as soon as we have it.

I think enough has been stated already Len by both Roy, David and myself so there really is no need to go any further.
Carry on in your denial!

Originally Posted by yolhovsky View Post
Thanks Raymond.

I’m wondering why this uneducated, ignorant, fraudulent, deceiving, dumb person Kevin Wood always needs to have his worthless two cents in almost every thread on this board? Oh, yeah, I forgot, his title means nothing more than the number of his useless posts on the message board. Shame on you, Kevin! Shut up for your own good.
From Licensing question - Page 4 - InterNACHI Inspection Forum

So the next logical question is who sits on the discipline/complaints committee at OACHI?
From Licensing question - Page 4 - InterNACHI Inspection Forum

Mr. Yolhovsky is not a member of OACHI (sic). Please direct your complaint/concerns to Mr. Joe Farsetta of InterNACHI.

Code of Ethics
**Attention Yuri **
The Master Inspector Certification Board promotes a high standard of professionalism, business ethics and inspection procedures. Certified Master Inspectors® subscribe to the
2. Duty to the Profession and to Other Certified Master Inspectors®
a. The Certified Master Inspector® will strive to improve the Inspection Industry by sharing his/her lessons and/or experiences for the benefit of all. This does not preclude the Certified Master Inspector® from copyrighting or marketing his/her expertise to other inspectors or to the public in any manner permitted by law.
b. The Certified Master Inspector® shall assist in disseminating and publicizing the benefits of hiring Certified Master Inspectors®.
c. The Certified Master Inspector® will not engage in any act or practice that could be deemed damaging, seditious or destructive to fellow Certified Master Inspectors®.
d. The Certified Master Inspector® will dress professionally when acting in the capacity of his/her profession.
I think Yuri has me on his ignore list will some one please hit the quote and remark on this to make sure Yuri gets to see what he is doing wrong and how he is not following the CMI SOP .