Looking for mentors

Hi my name is Dania Alkhateeb. I live in Dearborn Michigan starting my career as a home inspector and am looking for a mentor who would be willing to let me ride along on inspections. Id love the opportunity to gain hands-on experience and learn how home inspections are conducted in the field. If anyone has the time and is open to mentoring, Id greatly appreciate it!

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Dania, you may want to contact some CMIs or CPIs within 80 to 100 miles, or closer, to your area and communicate with them. Maybe one, or more, will help you. Some inspectors feel as though they are training their competition by ride-alongs or mentoring or hiring and some are into it just for the $.

Here is the link for CMIs: Find a Certified Master Inspector®

And the link for CPIs: Find Certified Home Inspectors Near You - InterNACHI®

And Mentors: Home Inspector Mentoring - InterNACHI® and InterNACHI® - International Association of Certified Home Inspectors and https://ccpia.org/commercial-property-inspector-mentoring/


Hi Dania. Best of luck with your endeavors.

InterNACHI has a mentoring program. Follow this link…


Welcome Dania.
If you don’t get a message from someone reading your comment, you can do as Larry and Robert both suggested and contact some inspectors on the Mentor List. You can also contact inspectors who are not on the list if you don’t find someone to help out. In fact, you may want to find more than one mentor because we all have our strengths and weaknesses and our own subtle differences in inspection protocols.