Mandatory home inspections may be coming to NY


Excellent!! Love it.


Mandatory home inspections should be made law in all states and provinces.


Really? I don’t.

I worked in NYC for 5 years, I lived 4 miles from the NY border for 26 years.

Nothing done by any legislative body in NY is done for the benefit of the people. It is 100% about revenue generation for NY politicians. I don’t know the angle on this one, but you can bet there will be a “vig” paid to NY and rules applied and paperwork to be filed.


I know that this would be good for the home inspection community but how anyone who supports the land of the free and the home of the brave could be for this being shoved down a home buyers throat is beyond me. Whatever happened to less government? New York is becoming more and more like the west coast by the minute.


I can foresee all sorts of rules applied to this from NY. for example; Inspector firms must have 5 million in gross revenue, bond in excess of 1 million, and training certified by the brand new NY Home Inspector Control board, which is staffed by the people who pay of Chuck Schumer. All sorts of barriers to entry for small inspector firms will be added, and it really won’t improve jack diddly for home buyers.


The bill has been in the judiciary committee since January. It is doubtful it will make it out of that committee. Keep in mind this does not make inspections a mandatory requirement but only that the seller can not object to an inspection or make waiving one part of a contact. The title to this thread is a tad misleading!


It’s called “spin”. LOL


I know you’re just sounding off, but this line makes absolutely no sense. A new state agency staffed by employees who pay a U. S Congressman for the benefit of working for the state agency?

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It’s NY politics. It starts at the top. Pay to play. It never makes any sense unless you understand that if you donate to the right people, doors open for you.



Great point and thanks for pointing it out. However, from where I sit, the seller should have the right to be as stupid in their own self-interest as they want to be. If a seller wants to shoulder all the risks of not disclosing material defects, then they should be allowed to do that. If a seller wants to reject a superior offer from a buyer who wants an inspection, then they should be allowed to do that.
Most of the country does not know or appreciate that New York does real estate transactions and home inspections really differently than most, if not all of the rest of the country.

Out of curiosity, what is different about home inspections in New York?

Even that (bold part) should not be allowed. If the house is listed clearly as to state “no inspections” then that should be the sellers prerogative. If no one wants to buy the house due do the restriction of no inspections then it won’t sell.


Yep, and that and a few other reasons is why this bill will most likely not make it out of committee. But, it is NY and strange things happen as we have seen recently! :joy:


So how would one buy a home without an inspection if they can’t waive it?

They can waive it, but can’t make that part of their official offer. In other words, it would have to be done verbally between agents I suppose. And the buyer could always change their mind within the 10 day window and have one anyway.

This is mandatory on the seller/owner of the home and not the buyer. The seller can’t make any requirements that would not allow an inspection or except a contract that says the buyer is waiving the inspection. The buyer will have up to ten days for any inspection if they want one. This is trying to stop contracts that favor offers where the buyers are waving their right to an inspection. If the buyer does not want an inspection then they are free to not get one but they have up to ten days to do so.


Morning, Scott. Hope to find you well and in good spirits today.
I am as a home inspection business person all in for Making home inspections monitory.
Sellers have to be held responsible for what they sell, just as home buyers’ have to think, Caveat emptor.
Are you aware if the purchase As-Is clause be exempt?

I do not believe that is addressed in this bill from what I recall. But even with an “As Is” purchase a person can and should get an inspection so they have an idea of what they are getting.

It appears to be a consumer advocate bill with good intentions. Think of all the home buyers who had no choice but to buy without an inspection. I use the words ‘no choice’ loosely but we all saw desperate people buying homes and waiving the inspection.

The problem is, the government usually screws things up with good intentions.

And I doubt it addresses all the homes bought by REIs for cash, which pushed the retail consumer out of the housing markets. 33% of homes in Atlanta have been sold this way in recent years.

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