Good for you Kevin, and Inter-Nachi.
Thank you everyone.
And Thank You Nick!! @gromicko
Old… Who you referring to as old? Lol.
Coagulations on your 15 plus years of service.
Congratulations Kevin!
Way to go Kevin!!
@ruecker @tglaze @lkage @sbridges2 @ryoung7 @jfudge @sfetty @jjonas @jmckee @mdurante
Thanks everyone and here’s to a happy & safe 4th for all.
@rmckay @dwright2 @jdepiero @jhambrook @bhull1 @rcloyd @rmayo @mtimpani
Thanks everyone and here’s to a happy & safe 4th for all.
Congrats Kevin!
Today I’ve received my 20 years pin also. 27 years inspecting homes. What a great organization we have become. I remember when i was using report booklets for home inspection reports. With all the education resources our organization provides home inspectors has helped our organization to grow and learn to be the best. Thanks to all at INTERNACHI and staff especially Nick who has been a great leader and the courage to fight for us. I remember when other home inspection organizations would talk crap about us in our early years. Well look at us now. We are the King on top of the mountain. Happy inspecting love you all always.
Congratulations, Ernest!
Congrats as well, Ernest!
Congratulations Ernest.
Congratulations Kevin!
Congratulations Kevin.
Congratulations Kevin & Ernest A toast to you both!!!
Congratulations Kevin and Ernest
All the best to Ernest and Kevin !! WTG guys !!
Congratulations Kevin
Congratulations & many more to come. They just don’t do it much better than Nick & the gang.