NACHI Email Database

Good questions, one and all. I don’t have answers for you. I have definitely seen two other emails during my 16 months of membership. I’m not proficient enough on this board to search down the threads and links like some of the other members. I do like the e-newsletter program concept. In todays paperless environment, no agent I know is going to spend anytime reading the paper version of the NACHI Inspectors Quarterly. I’ve not had a single person in California tell me they’ve seen it or heard about it. I have received positive comments and inspection orders from clients and agents on each of the prior e-newsletters, and I’ve commented on the board each time and emailed Nick directly thanking him for the effort. I also had (1) client who asked to be removed from the list and Nick took care of it immediately.

I took the liberty of emailing all the Chapters throughout California about 4-5 days ago requesting help with regard to creating New, Fresh, Quality content for the NACHI e-newsletter. Three of the Chapters have responded with interest in moving the program forward and have already begun to generate ideas with regard to content. Those ideas have been sent to me and or directly to Nick. I was surprised to find out that most of the chapters didn’t know about the program. Here’s the problem 8500 total members, 1080 frequent BB users, but only about 100 BB users who actually use, function and operate the board and NACHI. I need to find away to contact every inspector in California, not just by posting on this board, but actual direct communication. I believe the content were looking for is available, we just have to reach the membership. That, unfortunately will not be done through this bulletin board…

Example of possible content:

Residential grading, drainage, gutter systems and their significance to residential structures.

Real estate market forcasting for the domestic US, (Agents love “Gary Watts”).

Carbon monoxide safety in residential structures.

Radon safety and or remediation in residential structures.

Smoke alarm safety, where, when, why are they required
in residential structures, (The $1000 rule).

“CLUE”, Comprehensive Loss Underwriters Exchange data base reports for residential structures, how they can assist buyers and agents with disclosure and litigation avoidance.

Can any of you write an article? Do you have any ideas for content that will be of interest to agents, buyers, sellers?
NACHI needs your help…

Hey Nick;

Can you please post some information with regard to Dan’s questions regarding:

To date how many e-newsletter issues have been distributed?

What content was contained in the issues?

When was the last issue distributed?

How many months of content do we currently have on hand ready for distribution?




I’m hearing cheap…cheap…:wink:

Only 4 enewsletters (out of those submitted) were sent to our entire real estate database based on good (low) “opt out” rate. In each case our “opt out” rate was amazingly 0.5% or less!

Remember, I’m not interested in sending out good articles, interesting articles, useful information articles, articles that REALTORs might like, articles that agent’s clients might like, articles that would cause no one in their right mind to opt out of, or any other kind of article EXCEPT those articles that demonstrate a low “opt out” rate in a sample & random test run.

Testing SPAM (and that is what any e-newsletter is… SPAM) to find out what has a low “opt out” rate is not at art, it is a science, and it is statistics that determine when and which ones we use… not me.

So far, the SPAM that preserves our goose laying the golden eggs (SPAM that has a low “opt out” rate in test runs and so does not risk diluting our database) have all been articles that are of interest to REALTORs (not primarily about inspections) but with a home inspection spin to them.

The 4 that have so far succeeded at meeting our low “opt out” rate test and were thus used were derivatives (close re-writes) of the following:


You will note that the 4 above are all real estate articles (not primarily inspection articles), but with an inspection spin to them. REALTORs couldn’t care less about inspections.

OK - I get it. But why, then, solicit articles from inspectors who will be predisposed to discuss inspections (as many HI’s couldn’t care less about real estate)?

Also, on a whole other topic (but it will tie back in) I am told the Inspectors (less than) Quarterly costs a fair sum to produce and distribute. This seems to be incurring a cost to preach to the choir. Maybe we could use that money to work with a vendor (like John O.) to improve our system or upgrade content?

Just a suggestion. I personally find far higher value in marketing realtors than reading a paper version of most of the postings on this site, and would like to see funds (if they are spent in this way) on the email system, or marketing to Realtors, or even adding tech staff…

Just some food for thought.