This course is designed for Nevada home inspectors who must understand the process and adhere to the standards of practice and legal requirements, as set forth in the Nevada Administrative Code for Inspectors of Structures, Chapter 645D; in particular, NAC-645D.460 through 645D.580), per the State of Nevada Real Estate Division, in order to perform home inspections in Nevada, and also to fulfill the state’s Continuing Education law/legal course requirements for home inspectors, pending the State of Nevada RED’s approval.
And, in keeping with InterNACHI’s commitment to Continuing Education, this course is open and free to all members, and can be taken again and again, without limit.
Students are free to pose questions and comments here and join in the conversation with other students. The thread will be monitored by the course instructor.
It appears that this course has been accepted & approved by the Nevada RED. Will the completion certificate be proof of completion & passing the course? Can I submit the completion certificate to Nevada RED?
Great to see such a clearly explained course about Nevada licensing. The state of Nevada and Internachi have put forth a clear and concise path for inspectors to create a favorable business environment for both inspector and client.
Thank you
I decided to review “Doing Damage During The Inspection: It’s your job”. I enjoyed reading another point of view on how to handle damage caused during an inspection. Thanks for the Article it was a good read.
My research topic is 10 Ways to save Money and Energy in your home. As much as half the energy costs of a home is for heating and cooling. A few easy do-it-yourself ideas for saving energy could be as simple as replacing incandescent light bulbs with LED’s and improving the weather seals and insulation of your home. A few other cost effective, but more costly approaches would be replacing the shower heads and toilets with low flow models and/or replacing your water heater with a more efficient tank less/on demand water heating system.
I had similar topic 2 months ago) Ordered from reviews but they don’t know how to do their job professionally. So use your own brains, guys. Good luck)
Mold is part of the environment, and plays an important part breaking down dead organic matter. Should be prevented indoors since it has the potential to cause health problems. It can be found in any home when the conditions for growth are met. Water and moisture are the key conditions for reproduction. Steps for prevention the growth are eliminating the source of leaks and lowering the indoor humidity levels below 60%. When present, can be eliminated by cleaning hard surfaces or by replacing absorbent materials.
Research exercise: Carpeted Bathrooms
Carpet installed in bathrooms are usually for aesthetic purposes but are not recommended because carpet and padding can hold moisture from condensation, leaking plumbing fixtures and water shedding off the tub and or occupant. This holds moisture which then can cause mold to grow that can rot the wood floor and also hold bacteria from growing around the toilet. This is why in a commercial building carpeted bathrooms are considered against code. If you have a carpeted bathroom floor it is recommended to clean the carpet regularly to control moisture that can lead to mold and or wood destroying fungi growth. Also having an exhaust fan can help ventilate the bathroom from steam that can condense in the carpet. Usually traditional bathroom floor surfaces are tile or vinyl.
A ground-fault circuit interrupter, (GFCI), is used to protect people from electric shock. A GFCI receptacle monitors the amount of current and will trip automatically, shutting off power to the receptacle, if it senses any imbalance. It is important to test GFCI receptacles to insure they are working properly.
Researched “Crawlspace Hazards and Inspection”. I am in the process of renewing my license and nearly every house I inspect has a crawlspace so it’s a subject I’m very familiar with. I wear a jumpsuit, gloves, & face mask and sometimes leave a flashlight near the hatch because it can be disorienting depending on the house and don’t want to get lost.
Would like to see a discussion about vented vs non-vented crawlspaces. Recently did a house with a completely sealed “system” and a small fan (which had bad bearings and was ready to die). The original exterior vents were permanently sealed and it was the cleanest crawlspace I’ve ever seen.
Back to the exercise.
Hello everyone!
Started studying about energy savings, found very interesting especially the difference in energy savings by simply changing bulbs from the standard incandescent bulbs to CFLS or LEDS, just amazed in the 75% energy savings and 10% longer lasting bulbs. Exited about learning more.
As part of my research assignment for this course, I read: “15 Tools Every Homeowner Should Own” by Nick and Ben Gromicko. I picked this article because it is a bit more fun than the somewhat heavy topics of the course.
Some of the recommended tools are ones everyone would anticipate, and buy, when buying tools for their home for the first time: hammer, flashlight, tape measure, screwdrivers and duct tape.
Others, however, are much less likely to occur to the new homeowner, and could be very important in unpredictable ways: plunger(!), goggles, caulking gun and respirator/safety mask. Nothing is quite as inconvenient as needing one of these often-unthought-of tools, and not having them.
Thanks for the excellent list, guys. I will start emailing this article to my clients regularly!
I’m currently attempting to pass the above named course.
As a article for comment, I chose learning about Aluminum conductors and their hazards and deficiencies.
I knew Aluminum conductors have higher resistance and are more susceptible to oxidation, but I did not realize they were susceptible to excessive vibration that can loose the lug connections. This must be linked to the higher thermal expansion noted in Copper conductors.