New edition of Marketing for Inspectors book has gone to the printer. Hard copies...

Hard copies of the new edition of “Conquer: Marketing & Business Success for Inspectors](” will be released in 2 weeks.

Don’t forget… you promised me a copy with the autographs of the entire InterNACHI Staff in it!

Thanks! :wink:

I didn’t forget.

And a great big THANK YOU to a true man of his word!
A THANK YOU goes to the Nachi Staff as well!
I received my copy today, with autographs, as promised!!!

I bet you sell out or at least you should. I am about to page 250ish. Thanks again for the opportunity to review. Great book for anyone in the inspection bis and any businessman in general. I thought I would pass it along to some lucky sole when I was done but no way to many great things and to many pages folded over for me to remember.

This book is one of the greatest works that you have ever done Nick I commend you and applaud you 100%


where are the hard copies, the link says pdf only…

thank you