New FREE Brochure & Business Card Design for 360 Precision Real Estate Inspections!

If you’ve listened to our Founder, Nick Gromicko, you may have heard him talk about his “BMW Test” for your marketing. He states that if you walk into a BMW dealership with your brochure, hold it up to their brochures, and don’t believe they are of comparable design value, you have a problem. Here at InterNACHI, we have a mission to create top-of-the-line marketing pieces for our inspectors. This brochure and business card package for 360 Precision Real Estate Inspections is a great example of that mission. Starting with a beautiful logo we designed created from scratch, we produced a branding platform that is communicated throughout the pages of their marketing. Assets from the logo were pulled and placed throughout the pieces which unifies the designs and reinforces this brand identity. What your print marketing communicates to your inspectors can make or break a sale. This is a great example of what InterNACHI’s marketing team can design for you for FREE!

This member saved $1,086.25 by taking advantage of our free design and editing services.

  • Logo Design: 4 hrs @ $85/hr = $340.00
  • Brochure Design: 6.5 hrs @ $85/hr = $552.50
  • Business Card Design: 1.25 hrs @ $85/hr = $106.25
  • Writing & Editing: 1.75 hrs @ $50/hr = $87.50
  • Total: $1,086.25
  • InterNACHI Discount: -$1,086.25
  • Cost to member: $0.00 ( members only pay for printing )

Logo and marketing design services are a free InterNACHI membership benefit. Email to get started!

Nice work Ian.