New *FREE* Rack Card Design for Certified Home Pro LLC!

Do you want to showcase your business without a big expense? Rack cards can be used in a variety of ways such as a business overview, promotional item, or showcasing a specific service for a great price. Constructed from premium cardstock and sized to fit in standard mounts, you can utilize a rack card as a leave behind or direct handout to advertise your business. This rack card we created for Certified Home Pro LLC highlights their business tenure, Certified Master Inspector status, unique memberships and bilingual capabilities while still listing their services and customer conveniences in a beautiful design. This is a great example of what InterNACHI’s marketing team can design for you for FREE!

This member saved $845 by taking advantage of our free design and editing services.

  • Logo Design: 4 hrs @ $85/hr = $340.00
  • Rack Card Design: 5.5 hrs @ $85/hr = $467.50
  • Writing & Editing: .75 hrs @ $50/hr = $37.50
  • Total: $845
  • InterNACHI Discount: -$845
  • Cost to member: $0.00 ( members only pay for printing )

Logo and marketing design services are a free InterNACHI membership benefit. Email to get started!

Nice work Ian.