Merrell Institute 631-563-7720
Enroll NOW!!!
Home Inspectors in New York State require you attend continuing education BEFORE you renew your license. Those who renew require 24 hours NYS Home Inspection Continuing Education approved credit.
**1/16/09 **Mold, Moisture & the Residential Home 8-12pm “4 hours 95
**1/16/09 ****The Better Mouse Trap** 1-3pm “2 hrs”........ 65
BOTH CLASSES ON 1-16-09 is ONLY 125.00 Materials Included !
**1/17/09 ****Plumbing Seminars Illustrated** 8-2pm “6 hours”... 125
2/7/09 HUD FHA Inspection Course 8-12pm “4 hours”…… 95
**2/7/09 ****Safe Mechanical Inspecting** 1-3pm “2 hours”……..... 65
Both Classes on 2/7/09 is only 125.00 Materials Included !
**2/28/09 ****Intro to IR Thermal Imaging** 8-3:30pm “7 hrs” 185
Home Inspectors in NYS are required to take 24 hours of NYS Approved classes BEFORE you renew. Currently, NYS will NOT accepted Internet or CD Classes. Traditional classroom styles courses are required and we have a host of courses to select from!
Questions? Call us at 631-563-7720 for a FREE Brochure
We hope to see you soon !
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to All InterNACHI Members!