NEW ONLINE COURSE: Inspecting Commercial Building Exterior Systems and Features

We are excited to announce the launch of our new online course for commercial property inspectors: Inspecting Commercial Building Exterior Systems and Features!

This course will teach you how to inspect and report on the exterior of commercial buildings using ComSOP best practices. Gain the skills to confidently assess exterior systems, identify deficiencies, and understand how these elements affect the overall condition of commercial properties.

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

  • apply the ComSOP inspection procedures for exterior elements;
  • identify, describe, and report on exterior elements, including:
    • building structure;
    • siding, flashing and trim;
    • windows, doors, and overhead doors;
    • topography, property drainage, and drainage features;
    • parking areas, stairs, walkways, and other hard and soft surfaces;
    • retaining walls;
    • building lighting, landscaping lighting, and parking area lighting; and
    • basic accessibility barriers.
  • demonstrate an understanding of how each element operates and can influence the condition of the building and property as a whole; and
  • demonstrate an understanding of the most common reasons why exterior elements fail.

Learn more and start course :arrow_forward: Inspecting Commercial Building Exterior Systems and Features Course - CCPIA