Originally Posted By: aslimack This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Wondering how others reports on this. Approx. 80 yr. old- 2 family with Upper and lower apt’s. 2 Ruud gas furnaces, 24 yrs. of age (Both). Upper is without return ductwork. Lower has return.
Originally Posted By: rsummers This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I would report the defect and note that both units will not function efficiently. It is just as bad to have no return as it is to have to much supply air.
Originally Posted By: dvalley This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Every furnace needs a properly connected return, period. I've run into many multi family buildings with two or three furnaces in the basement and not one of them had return ductwork installed. I look down at all the return plenums and see filters exposed with no duct. Sucking in all that old musty basement air and possibly CO and sending it right into the living areas.
I red flag every one of them.![](upload://oIf4rheiwUb7is4LnZhhesllvG4.gif)
I always explain to my clients the reasons why returns must be installed.