One and Two Family Exemption from Flash Protection

[FONT=Arial]1-82 Log #1651 NEC-P01

[/FONT]Action: Accept in Principle

Joe Tedesco Boston, MA

**Panel Meeting Action: Accept in Principle

Revise text to read as follows:

110.16 Flash Protection. Switchboards, panelboards, industrial control panels, meter socket enclosures, and motor control centers that are in other than one- and two-family dwelling occupancies and are likely to require examination, adjustment, servicing, or maintenance while energized shall be field marked to warn qualified persons of potential electric arc flash hazards. The marking shall be located so as to be clearly visible to qualified persons before examination, adjustment, servicing, or maintenance of the equipment.

**Panel Statement: **[size=2][FONT=Arial]The panel has revised the proposal to only include one- and two-family dwelling occupancies rather than all dwelling occupancies because one- and two-family dwellings provide a reasonable demarcation for occupancies where arc flash hazards may exist. The panel does not necessarily agree with all of the substantiation of the submitter.[/size][/FONT]
