One Last Poll: Nick Gromicko and BMG Marketing


Hi! I used to work as Nick Gromicko’s Executive Assistant, and now I work in Marketing and Advertising.

Our agency would like to put together a deal that allows us to put ALL of your Home Inspection professional Marketing needs in one bundle, in one place so that you no longer have to break up who you go to for what, and when. Our deal would save you over 4k.

Here is the rough outline for now:

Base Package:
Logo & Branding
Create newly certified inspector’s branding with a brand guide to include customized logo in various formats, fonts, colors and logo usage guidelines.

Create a Squarespace website to utilize updated brand guidelines and messaging for target audiences with a series of designs to choose from.
Optimized SEO, verified with Google, and connected to Google Search Console

Business Cards (2 sided)
Flyer/One Sheeter (2 sided 8 ½” x 11”)

Total Package Investment									           $7,995

Add Ons:
Tri-fold Brochure (2 sided 8 ½” x 11”) $1,380
Vehicle Magnet $345
Refrigerator Magnet $115
Door Hanger $345
Stickers $345
Yard Signs $345
Postcards $575

If this does NOT interest you, please comment why beneath so that we can make the necessary adjustments! We are asking for your feedback because we want to be able to alter this deal for YOU! Tell us what you like, what you don’t like, what you need, what you don’t need, and anything else that could help this community. We’re here to serve your Marketing needs, and increase your earning potential substantially.

Thank you for all you do, and for your help!

Learn more here and speak to us about this deal:

Have you gotten any takers at that price?


Is this price point a problem? Let me know if so! This is the kind of feedback we need. It is a one-time purchase- includes website creation, full branding, logo, SEO, Google verification, business card design, folder design, and a flyer/one sheeter. This is not a recurring cost of any kind.

In my opinion, $7995 for a base package is extremly high.

only my opinion.


Ok I will absolutely pass that up the chain as valuable feedback, thank you! Is there anything else about the package that you like or dislike that we could use to improve it for valuable InterNACHI members like you? We’d like it to be as useful as possible!

Hi Maddie,

Is that price for a year?

And I’m guessing that price would also include domain name and hosting fees?

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In my opinion, this is mainly geared towards startup inspectors. The same inspectors that are constantly on here asking where to find the cheapest tools, insurance, and software. I can’t see them adding and additional $8k to their start-up costs. Especially when they can find better pricing through GoDaddy & Vistaprint. And without INACHI being strategically placed on everything.


Hi Kevin! No, this is not per year- this is ONE TIME ONLY price. We certianly understand it is a steeper price than your normal annual fees, but we are a professional design agency who handle marketing and advertising as our bread and butter. Would never need to be repeated! I believe domain name is yours to purchase but may include hosting fees. Let me run those questions by our owner, happy to get back to you on that!

This makes sense Jeff! Would it be logical for us to put together a less costly option for NEW inspectors that is perhaps a bit simpler, while tweaking this option to be better geared toward existing inspectors? How could we better service existing inspectors, what are some services more established inspectors could use that we perhaps haven’t listed here?

you say free?


You should advertise it that way, Maddie.

Most people will read the offer, look at the price, and move on. Being that it’s a lifetime offer adds a lot of value to your offer. I would put it in BIG BOLD LETTERS above the description.

Okay will do! Thank you for the tip!

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It is not free- but it is a one-time only payment! The base package is $7,995. If you read through the text you will see what that includes as well as some additional options you can add on if you wish!

You obviously know your audience better than I do. My guess is that the more established inspectors are less likely to use INACHI marketing. Established inspectors have the luxury of having the word of mouth doing their marketing for them. I could be 100% wrong though.

It has been a few years, but I spent an extensive amount of time looking at other inspector’s websites, tri-folds, postcards, social media, ETC. It was at a time when I was looking to spend significantly more than I ever have on marketing. It didn’t take me long to realize that the overwhelming majority of inspector’s websites all look the same. The wordage is close to being word for word. The templates are close to the same. It got to a point to where I did not even have to scroll down to the bottom of the page to see who’s template they were using. After spending all this time, I had no idea what I wanted my website to look like. But I was 100% sure that I did not want it to look like everyone else. I chose a local website designer and host and let them run with this information. They were significantly higher priced than what I could have paid for the INACHI venders. My site is far from perfect and still needs work. However, it has increased my online close rate tenfold. I spoke to multiple agents on the tri-folds and post cards. They all had the same response. Agents are going to pick inspectors that are professional and trustworthy. Word of mouth is going to be the biggest marketing you could ever have. And it costs nothing other than your own sweat equity. Everything printed on paper most often never even gets a second look and goes straight to the garbage can. It’s completely possible that my findings are regional.


True is this region as well (except for business cards, but I think they’re on the way out too, I’m sure).


It is a conversation starter. You have them hold the expensive tri-fold and you point to it and say something funny. Then you leave wishing you could go back in and retrieve the expensive full color tri-fold brochure.


Would’ve been a non-starter for me. Here’s what I paid 3 years ago a la carte.

-Logo from 99 Designs: $300 (logo with different versions, maybe extra $300, is there more to the “Branding” portion in the base?)

-Spectora custom Wordpress website: $800
They have a website + one year software subscription for an AMAZING bundled price. Pretty sure it was SEO optimized including all of the Google stuff but I’d have to check if this price is apples to apples with your offering.

InterNACHI 2-sided business cards: $150 / 1000 count

So far I’m at $1250.

Your base package also includes (which I didn’t purchase): Folder / Flyer/One Sheeter (2 sided 8 ½” x 11”)

So would the “Branding” and the "Folder / Flyer/one sheeter (2 sided 8.5 x 11) be worth an additional $6745? I’d need to see what you’re offering and if the ROI would be worth it.


You are barking up the wrong tree if you think new home inspectors, the ones that have a 80% failure rate over 2 to 3 years, will invest $7,995 for as base package let alone purchase addons.
New inspectors hesitate about purchasing a $100,00 moisture meter.

Although I wish you success, you have unrealistic high hopes which will likely lead to broken dreams.


Robert makes a good point, Ms. Foster. Nick is a marketing genius and can fix this.

You see, there are mainly three different markets reading this message board post right now.

First, you have experienced inspectors who already have most of their sales and marketing plans in effect. They will be more likely to consider “tweaking” them than replacing them with an $8K marketing plan.

Second, NACHI’s “free” benefits attract many new, under-capitalized, part-time home inspectors who perform inspections to supplement their income or fit them in between full-time jobs. Few of them, even if they saw a value, will have the means to pay for it.

Third, you have people who are considering becoming home inspectors and are determining if even becoming a member of NACHI is worth the cost. This is more likely to turn them away than incentivize them to buy it.

Nick can find a way, I’m sure, to shape your offering into something attractive to most of these people. Few of them, I’m afraid, would find value in an $8,000 alternative to what they can purchase elsewhere for considerably less.

Here is how you might make your offering more attractive. Offer it for a 90-day trial with a credit card payment. Within those 90 days, if your product is good, the inspector will have made more than he paid for the service. If he has not, he can request and obtain a partial refund, excluding the costs of the business cards and flyers, and have his website shut down. That is a Gromicko method I’m sure Nick would approve and one that might incentivize inspectors to take the chance.