Pipe for laundry washer drain line

My guess is both pumps/basins were installed to be connected to a foundation drain tile system. But there was no foundation drain system installed at either house.

Apparently not needed.
Like the levitating A/C unit.

Picture 1 / The discharge piping is disconnected from the sump pump???
Does not matter where the termination is.
Water will never get there…

That’s how I found it, disconnected from pipe, plugged into rec. and apparently never used since the house was built in '06.

You’re correct, water will never get there unless someone fills basin with a hose, there is no inlet pipe.

that type of crock (as pictured) is indicative of a storm / ground water crock for waterproofing needs.

Sanitary crocks are smooth walled and sealed with a bolted cover.