Pipe for laundry washer drain line

This drain pipe is located in the basement behind the washing machine. How does this work when the water has to travel UP, over and down into the sump pump. Does this put extra strain on the washing machine?




If you are suggesting that the Laundry Washer is discharging to an open sump in the Basement floor…

It is wrong / defective and in need of professional repair.

Yes I agree, but this house was built in 1940 and the washing machine is lower than the sewer drain line.

I am not getting the whole story in those pictures but ,what Joe said.

The Laundry Washer has the ability to pump UP to the sanitary drain.
Discharge of gray water to an open floor sump is not permitted (in this area) due to health and soil contamination concerns.
You mileage and area may vary…

OK… I get it no sump pumps discharging gray water into back yard.

Yeah,Joe is thinking it should be a ejector pump.
Assuming this sump goes to the exterior.It has a backup so it is a good guess it does.

What does a ejector pump do, is it completely enclosed?

Yes an ejector pump is designed to empty into the main sewer with a closed top as they are often used for a toilet.http://activerain.com/blogsview/266536/chicago-home-inspector-up-to-ankles-in-water-

Thank You

N.P ,ask away as most of us are here to help and be helped.
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I have a rental with a sewage basin that the laundry sink / washing machine empty into through a drain line from the sink into the concrete floor and over about 3 feet into the basin. It is not a sump, it is a sealed basin in the floor with a pump up to one of the waste lines. The difference between a sump and a basin is a sump is open to the ground where a basin is sealed from the ground. The pedestal pump has a check valve so nothing can flow back into the basin. Very common with the few and far between basements in my area.

with over 10 years…
I still learn from NACHI everyday…


I’ve had two similar within the last week, except they weren’t connected to waste line, or sealed. Pumps in basins with no drain tile or any other inlet pipe, with the discharge pipe at exterior wall. Both pumps were plugged into receptacle.

Neither had an inlet pipe. Both owners said their basements are always dry and the “sump pump” never comes on.

When I informed them there was no perimeter drain tile system connected to the basin and the only way to activate the pump would require them to fill the basin themselves they were a little shocked.

They thought they had a foundation drain tile system.

Chris, maybe I am seeing something different but it looks like there are four drains into the 2nd sump. But draining it to the exterior grade? That’s nuts.

So the holes are to take in surrounding ground water?

What you are seeing is the “punch out” where the drain pipe(s) connects. Only one is partially punched out, at left, behind it is solid concrete (floor).

There are No holes in either basin.

Gray water can not drain to an open sump.
Can not be discharged to grade.
Must be collected in a sealed system and transferred to a sanitary sewer / septic system…
your mileage may vary…

Here’s a different view and discharge pipe in front of AC.