PVC Toxicity Being Called Out

and of course You have read all of the warnings about drinking water out of plastic bottles…???


No, we do not make any type of comment in our report about this. When I read about “greenhouse gases” that pretty much told me that this was a hit piece article not unlike some that are trying to get rid of gas stoves! Actually I bet that they are related!


If you’ll read the article: they make the point that it is vinyl chloride (same s**t they burned off in the East Palestine, Ohio train derailment) that will leach out of the PVC (polyvinyl chloride) pipes. A lifetime of leaching forever chemicals from your pipes into your body is sure to leave a mark on you somewhere.

The best way to protect yourself and family and friends, if you think there may be any kind of hazards, is by installing a reverse osmosis system.

It seems to be the case that in the last few years I’ve been seeing more and more of these systems, at least in my area.


More politics in “science” Do not believe everything that the scientists tell you. Don’t have a short memory.

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From your article:
“A gallon of bottled water costs about $9.50—nearly 2,000 times the price of tap water for municipal taxpayers.”
Apparently the author is buying only Perrier in San Francisco. Most everyone else in America can buy filtered and treated water at Home Depot, Walmart, or other stores for 80 cents to $1.50 per gallon.

If you had ever worked in or around a municipal water supply facility, you would know there is a problem. I worked for an HVAC company back in the 90’s that had maintenance contracts with several such locations. Every one that I encountered was poorly staffed, and by the workers’ own accounts the water safety standards were rarely met. I was reminded of this a few years ago while living in a small town north of Atlanta. With every water bill mailed to me was a separate written notice that there was a problem with contamination of the water: an unacceptably high level of haloacetic acid in the water supply. To this day, nothing has been done about the problem. And residents still get the same letter month after month. At least the local public servant responsible for mailing out these repeat notices is honest enough and cares enough about public safety to make citizens aware that the problem has not been addressed by the county at large. How about your local water supply? Have you ever tested the water to see for yourself the unacceptable level of contaminants it contains?

Wow! And yet Americans are living longer, healthier, and better than ever in human history…I do not call out ultra low potential or unproven concerns. I am a big fan of PEX, even though two of my own installations leaked at the connections, which is not a PEX failure but a failure of the installer. But I suck at soldering copper, too.


Last week during a Senate hearing, the people pushing CO2 reduction had to guess when asked what percentage of CO2 was in the earth’s atmosphere. Their guesses were 5-7 percent. The actual number is .04 percent. That is .0004

Do you answer your client’s questions with a question?

I asked if you report on things you did not observe or test (per SOP),
What is so hard about that question?


I found this carbon tank filter in a crawlspace last week. I rescued it from falling over and flooding the place.

And, if you have ever worked in a restaurant kitchen you would never eat out of your home! The same holds true in almost every facet of life!


And you have probably never had the water that comes into your kitchen tested! :joy:

Well I have, several times, and it is great and slightly softer than a rock.


Are you sure it’s not a water softener? Looks like it is connected to a salt bin.


I think Ryan is right, it’s a water softner. I see this style often.


What Ryan and Kevin said.


Looks like it already flooded :smile:

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No, the crawlspace had the same water problem that most of them have: lack of gutter maintenance, allowing water intrusion. The filter or water softener was straining on the PVC plumbing when I found it.

It’s actually a United Standard Hydro-Quad Commercial Water Processor. It’s a combination reverse osmosis filter and water softener unit.