Questions Of The Week July 20

HOWDY & Welcome to another round of Questions of The Week!

A member of the Awards Committee will post questions, at a random day/time.
Eligible members may make one post per question thread to answer the questions.
Correct answers (as judged by the Awards Committee or Poster of the Questions) wins.
Request your choice by emailing and submit your Mailing address for shipping

Choose your prize from the following list!:

>$50.00 gift certificate from Inspector Outlet

>Case of books “Now That You’ve had A Home Inspection”

A formal walking tour of Myrtle Beach hosted by our beloved Martin Wiiles!

  1. An electrical charge is
    a) Unipolar
    b) Bipolar
    c) Tripolar
    d) Non – Polar in nature

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2) Inspect this please


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3) AND Mr Willes still wants to know!
Where is the maximum allowable working pressure of a storage tank and water heater required to be shown?
a) In the installation guide
b) Stamped in the metal
c) On a permanently attached plate
d) Either b or c
e) not required

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4) Short circuits or grounds can be all of the following except
a. Solid
b. Partial
c. Floating
d. Contracted

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5) Inspect this please


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Music Question!

WHO sang this on WHAT song?

I was just passin’ through


Nice questions, Marc! Thanks for doing these. :+1:

And, Martin @mwilles , way to participate brother! :boom: :partying_face:


Great questions Marc. Looking forward to the walking tour :+1:t2: (I’d take the $50. It’s too hot to walk).


all of the above !!!


Great questions, Marc. :thinking:


Nice QOTW, Marc. :slight_smile: :+1:

  1. B

  2. Back window/patio:
    Security bars on emergency egress and rescue windows and doors must be releasable or removable from the inside without a key, tool, or special knowledge. The room is unsafe for sleeping or bedroom use without releasable bars.
    The window screen is in poor condition.
    An umbrella or appears to be placed between the bars and wall.
    The patio bricks come directly up to the home, creating a potential for moisture to be held the wall, and for termites or other pests to get between the stucco and wall behind.

  3. B (1015.2)

  4. D

  5. Temperature Pressure Relief TPR valve is missing
    a test/release handle, and is improperly reduced in size. The replacement pipe’s location should be located to meet local codes.

MUSIC) George Thorogood & The Destroyers - Just Passin’ Thru


Great questions Marc !!


Great Questions Marc!!


Here we go…
#1 Answer B, Bipolar
#2 Barred windows no egress, damaged gutter downspout & downspout terminates too close to the homes foundation.
#3 Answer D, Either B or C
#4 Answer D, Contracted
#5 I observed the TPRV was missing a lever to test the device. We recommend the TPRV be evaluated by a licensed plumbing professional for repair or replacement as needed.
Song Question; Lodi by Creedence Clearwater Revival

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