Registering a DBA to expand your services

That’s all good and well to begin with, but perhaps you should write a Part 2 regarding the drawbacks (as opposed to “…there are FEW drawbacks…”) of a DBA!

I “unofficially” began my Company in 1996.
In 2000, I took it to the “official” next level.
In 2006, (after relocating to another state and diversifying to continue my existence), I created a DBA.
In 2009, I hit the unanticipated block wall with confusion in my marketing! My DBA was working incredibly well… BUT… was creating confusion with my over 10 years of marketing with my original company name. Now, it’s another 14 years later, I still struggle with this issue, to the point I have contemplated dropping the original name altogether… but I can’t… no, I won’t… as it is tied to my Commercial/Industrial/Other than Residential businesses.


Long story shorter… Advice for AFTER creating a DBA is much more important than the decision to go with a DBA to begin with. That is where the guidance is and will be critically needed.


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