Report Hoes, I mean Report Host nonsense

Remember that many Internachi Members are also users of Reporthost, and fallout from any actions you take may be harmful to them.
So… which members are you going to serve? One side, or the other, or all??

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The ones being harmed. If Report Hoes want to take it out on their own customers, then I suspect that gives those inspectors even more reason to leave. That’s why I’m posting insane deals from other software vendors. That giant sucking sound you hear is Report Hoes losing business.


Thanks! Credit goes to InterNACHI staffers.

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I just spoke to American Family Insurance who owns Home Gauge. They are a $15 billion dollar, Fortune 100 company. They assured me that they are not going to delete any narratives or templates.

Am Fam headquarters:


Was your call the first they had heard of this issue? Or has RH contacted them?

Kevin, please do what you can to keep our reports live! We and our clients need them. If they force them to come down, I say we talk damages and class suit against reporthost. This is BS


Kevin, I should point out your team called me and was great. I realize that you and your team did not cause this.
With that said I don’t do well with bullies, Nick lets Fight back!

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Thanks to Nick, Kevin and teams for getting on this right away.

How do you know this?
Everyone posting has claimed that they wrote their own narratives, so “how exactly” did those narratives make it into your templates to begin with?
Does Reporthost or Internachi have access to your templates?
So, if you didn’t put them there, it must have been Spectora!

Thanks Ron! We are doing our best to minimize impact, while still allowing clients to get the reports they paid for!

I love a good conspiracy theory like the next guy, but we would have no reason to do this. Some inspectors have dozens of templates and have used narratives from others years ago and don’t remember OR there is a chance their wording was similar (shoot, even identical) to something we scanned the whole system for. This would flag it even though it was original wording, which wasn’t the intent but it can happen when there are only so many ways to say the toilet is cracked…

Also some inspectors got their original template from someone, and they didn’t know where that template originated from. Hard to track down every breadcrumb, but we’re just focused on helping our people get through this.


The one I had flagged was so basically worded, it is hard to believe they can even copyright it. I didn’t even know I had the narrative in my template, lol. I don’t think I would use it as-is even if I knew it was there.



I second that.

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Actually, I see my posts as simply playing the Devils Advocate!
Ever see my posts to Nick? I feed him crap often, but it is to get to the ‘bottom line facts’.
Asking the difficult questions helps to get to the truth! Nothing personal, just business.
Face it… many of your users will never ask you those questions directly. Takes someone like me that doesn’t give a hoot what you think of me, because I’m not dependent on your product to conduct my business.
Trust me, I’ve only just begun here!
(Besides, I promised your poster boy that I wouldn’t start trouble… yet)! :wink:


Kenton just came over. He has informed me that he will now never integrate the InterNACHI Narrative Library with Report Host.


how did you know it was flagged? My templates are fairly plain jane and I’ve rewritten most of anything I’ve purloined from Big Ben, so how were you told about this?

You would have gotten an email telling you which templates were affected. Then if you export that template the offending narratives will be highlighted in yellow.

I’m pleased to announce that InterNACHI will be providing, at no charge, Kenton, the author of the InterNACHI Narrative Library and templates to anyone needing him to testify under oath for any legal proceeding… that they are 100% our original works.


What is the condensed version of this as I am not following all of it? HG stole the narratives from INACHI and they are now telling inspectors that there is a copywrite on some of them so they cannot be used?