Originally Posted By: rcloyd This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
If you are referring to the steel angle iron against the foundation wall,
I would recommend evaluation by a professional engineer (structural)
to your client.
Originally Posted By: dvalley This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
wondering if anyone knows how much of a bend is allowed before it would be considered under supported.
There is no threshold for horizontal cracks. A horizontal crack in a basement wall, even if it?s only a hairline crack, can be the most significant crack observed on any foundation wall, and very costly to repair. ![](upload://Aab4HXgTaadqPG4QJebaFeQRcLA.gif)
Originally Posted By: jdigiacomo This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I agree with Dave, engineer required ASAP. This looks like a disaster waiting to happen. The sooner they get an excavator in there to dig other side and reduce some pressure the better.
Originally Posted By: hgordon This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I also agree with Dave…we are not here to make decisions about if the item can handle more or not…we are simply the eyes that report.
Call it! This should be flagged as Major or Serious. "Consult with a Structural Engineer to determine structural integrity of the basement wall. Possible repairs to follow Engineers drawings."
Kevin, I am taking it that you spoke with the seller already and that he did not state that there had been previous repairs based on a drawing from a Structural Engineer. If he did mention that the repairs or additional bracing was completed by him, then you should state:
"Seller advises that previous repairs were conducted (or were not) based on the findings and subsequent drawings submitted by a structural engineer."
If that is the case, you should still refer the buyer to retain a Structural Engineer to read the previous Engineers findings as well as to determine if the repairs were completed based on the Engineers Plans. As well as to ascertain the soundness of the repair since the date of repair.
The point being:
Point it out
Cover the buyer
Pass the buck
If you are asking simply as a point of reference for yourself, maybe Jerry Peck can comment and shed some light on it for ya!
Originally Posted By: kluce This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I must have miss worded things on the first post. I know this requires further evaluation by a structural engineer. The wall bulging causing horizontal cracks. A company came out and supposed the wall with a metal channels. The channels are bowing due to the pressure of the wall. My question is, should this type of system bow, and if so, what is its limit?
I'm not wanting this information for my client. Just for my own interest.
Originally Posted By: ftingle This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
“Some company came out”?
I can’t tell if these are “H” or “C” channels but they appear to be installed in the wrong direction. They should be installed perpendicular (they look parallel) to the wall so as to resist bowing in the wall. Also there should be many more of them to do that.
Too bad we can’t see what the supports are at the top and bottom. I doubt a structural engineer was involved.