Second inspection same property

can you inspect a property that your past client purchased 4 years ago and is now selling for a new client

I can can you?


Why not? Do it!

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Do you have a financial interest in the sale of this house?

No, then yes. Go for it.

Yes, disclose to all parties in writing and get a release. Then do the inspection if they agree.

For me this has been a pretty common thing I’ve been at this 20 years so sometimes I’ve inspected a house actually three times in that course believe it or not

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A lot of things can change in 4 years. Place will need a whole new inspection. You have insider information, use it to your advantage. Careful scrutiny of those things failed last time will reveal if they were repaire/replaced or not. Should make your inspection easier.

In my state it’s a yes. State law says that after 2 years an inspection report is no longer good. Like stated before, a lot can change in 4 years.

I’ve inspected the same house twice, about half a dozen times. No thrices, but I’ve inspected the same 4-unit four times! And things that were wrong the first time were still wrong on the succeeding inspections.


Would you sign off on (Authorize as accurate.) one of your inspections that was 1 year and 11 months old? Or, even 10 days old?

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That’s an odd law. Which state and which law?