I have an inspection coming up tommorrow on a 6200 Sq. Ft. house on a 5 acre parcel. It has a septic tank. I have never inspected a septic tank before and I am wondering the best way to handle these.
Hire a licensed professional to do the Septic inspection for you.
I sub out all my septic inspections.
Personally, I think you’re crazy if you’re going to attempt a septic inspection by yourself, with no experience.
Do you know how to locate a D-box?
I’m with David on that point.
I’ve installed many septic systems in the past and although many don’t have a distribution box they do need someone who knows what they’re doing to inspect them.
Here are a couple of site that may help you decide to hire a septic pumping/inspection company.
Disclaim the Septic System and recommend further review by a qualified Septage Management professional.
I sub contract all of my Septic Inspections to a PSMA Certified Inspection Company.
I agree, and their ability to wake up in the morning and hop into the hopper is way beyond anything I could or would do for any reward.
These people are priceless…
Look for depressions in the ground caused by leaks or broken tanks.
Look for water percolating out of the ground.
Everything else is “out-of-view” and outside the scope of a visual home inspection.
I believe that Canada has a division of Septic tanks stationed in Germany . . . .
OH! “SEPTIC TANKS” :shock:
Never mind.