SERVARE Offers Online-Offsite Backup Services to NACHI Members!

SERVARE offers online-offsite backup services to NACHI members

NACHI Welcomes SERVARE Online Back Up to the List of Superior Product & Service Providers

Tuesday April 17, 8:10 am ET
New Relationship Provides Membership Preferred Pricing

SERVARE Online Back Up is excited to be able to provide online-offsite data backup service for the National Association of Certified Home Inspectors. With SERVARE Online Back Up and Recovery Services you can help assure that when an information loss occurs you will be able to recover your data quickly and easily. The backup takes place automatically at a pre-determined time of your choice. The basic requirement is a high speed Internet connection such as cable, DSL, or wireless broadband. The data is sent encrypted and only you have the encryption key. What Should I Back Up?:

  • Templates/Completed Home Inspection Documents

  • Accounting/Bookkeeping Data Bases

  • Documents-Word, Excel, Power Point, inspection reports, etc.

  • Other “Mission Critical” Data Important to Your Day-to-Day Operation

  • NACHI Preferred pricing starting at $8.76 per month

  • (That’s Less than $.30 Cents Per Day)

  • E-Mail us at or call us at 888-737-8922
    Additional Details & Pricing:

*]Click here:](

Hey Guys,

If you have a website or need your reports backed up automatically…give these guys a TRY…

I know them personally…Good People…:slight_smile:

What other companies do they represent, beside the home inspection industry. How many clients do they represent? Or are they strictly aiming at home inspectors?


No…they handle account all over the US and in fact anywhere and they are ranked among the top providers of this type of service in their respected industry.

They came to this industry from an INVITE…the idea is they can protect ANYONES needs…online and seemless…

and NO I am not a spokesman for them…just happen to know Mr. Vondrak very well and he is a VERY honest man…the company he represents is not a fly by night group…they are SOLID !